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Aramis and Porthos were back at the branch-off. Looking into the tunnel the other two men had taken, they saw a light approaching and put their hands on their holstered guns as a precaution, but quickly realized that the light came from Athos and D'Artagnan.

"So?" Aramis asked, curious to learn what the other two had found.

"The tunnel runs along the lake and there's an exit at the edge of the woods, closed by a wooden door. It goes slightly uphill at the end and the door is difficult to find from the outside.

"That explains how the intruder could move so freely. That blind spot in the outer perimeter was close by." Athos looked at the other three.

"Now everything makes sense. He could approach unseen through the woods and took advantage of the blind spot to get into the tunnel." Aramis, the strategist of the team, put all the information together.

"We can be thankful that nothing more serious has happened. After all, he was able to get into the chateau undetected. Probably the only thing stopping him were the cameras inside the chateau." D'Artagnan was glad that Constance had not been in greater danger, but he decided not to mention that.

"We have good news," Porthos reported, looking around at the others. "The tunnel leading to the English Garden really is blocked. There's no getting through and trying to clear a path would bring down the whole section of the tunnel."

Athos typed something on his cellphone. "Treville has already left. Outside appointment with the king. He'll come in again early tomorrow morning, then we can discuss how to proceed."

Porthos rolled his eyes at the word "early". Athos just ignored him. "We'll leave the camera in the gallery where it is overnight and meet again in the Captain's office tomorrow."

Everyone agreed and the group went back through the dark, claustrophobic tunnel. Unfortunately, there was not exit in the fireside room, so they had to go all the way back to the Diana Gallery before they could get out of the dank, moldy air.


The next morning

Anne closed her laptop and picked up the papers from the table. Last night she had asked Louis if he had some time for her today. Since he had an appointment for lunch, they had agreed to meet in the morning. This suited Anne very well; she preferred the bad news to her cousin as early as possible. She loved him and regarded him a very god friend, but the basics of business, especially when it came to Controlling, were not exactly his specialty. He negotiated, had the right contacts and kept everything running. For all financial matters he relied on his accountants.

Anne had to walk quite a long way, since Louis's rooms were on the opposite side of the chateau. This was one of the rare moments, where she wished for a Segway. After innumerable corridors, turns and doors she finally arrived and knocked on Louis' door. A servant opened.

"You are already expected," he said, moving aside to let her enter, before stepping out into the corridor and closing the door behind him.

Anne looked around, unsure of exactly where she was supposed to go. A lanky man approached her. "May I introduce myself? Adrian Combelle, Louis' assistant. This way, please." He gestured towards the right room.

The single room was larger than all of Anne's rooms combined. Louis was seated at a large table. "Anne, how nice." He got up and greeted her warmly. They made small-talk while Anne set up her laptop and set out the papers she had brought with her. When she was done, Louis fell silent.

"Louis, I found out a number of things. These papers contain a general overview," she explained.

"How did you proceed?" Adrian rudely interrupted her.

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