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Last time on chapter 14:

"Anne, you have to convince the king that I did not do it to betray him. It will never happen again!"

Anne was taken aback by his mood and the way he was kneeling before her. "I...."

"I can't just tell that to Louis without any explanation. All of that happened with your knowledge and consent. You don't just unknowingly make erroneous entries like that for months." Anne looked at him reproachfully. Rochefort rested his head in her lap; a gesture that made Anne more than uncomfortable.

"I....I had problems. My father's gambling debts were haunting me. I had to pay a large sum to his creditors and I didn't know what to do. I was desperate," he stammered. He raised his head again. "Now I know that was wrong. I am very sorry, Anne, believe me."

The grip on her hands tightened – so much so, in fact, that she was about to call out for Aramis.

"You could have gone to my cousin. He helps a friend in need, you know that."

"Of course," Rochefort said, slowly getting to his feet again and finally letting go of her hands. "I know that, but I was full of shame. Please, someone as pure and beautiful as you must have compassion; must understand and believe me." He looked at her intently.

No matter how uncomfortable the situation made her and how much she just wanted to flee, Anne found herself believing him. She had seen for herself how men could be driven headlong into their own doom, if their pride was in danger. With a sigh, she said:" Rochefort, I believe you."

Immediately he was at her side again, kissing her hands. "Oh Anne, thank you!"

Anne raised her finger, managing to free at least one of her hands from his grasp. "But if you want me to vouch for you with Louis, you have to promise me something." She gave him a serious look.

"Everything," Rochefort said simply.

"I want to get a copy of every withdrawal by e-mail and every week I will check the books against the e-mails. Everything has to be transparent and above-board." Having made her position clear, Anne got up.

Rochefort stood as well. "Anne, how could I be so lucky to meet a woman as understanding as you."

"We will see how you conduct yourself in the future."

"I am already looking forward to your weekly meetings, Madame," Rochefort declared, kissing her hand again. Right now, Anne very much wished for Aramis to be here; he would have saved her from this man and his presumptuous gestures.

"Then I will expect your e-mails. My assistant will set up a new appointment." When she finally had her hand back, Anne moved towards the door. Rochefort hurried ahead and opened the door for her.

"Anne, your visit has been a pleasure and an honour."

Aramis, who had waited outside the door as promised, wrinkled his nose.

If you only knew what else Rochefort has said and done, you would do more than just that, Anne thought, noticing the gesture, but she did not say anything, only smiled slightly. She nodded once to Rochefort as goodbye. "I expect your e-mails. We will meet again latest in a week."

Rochefort took a deep bow as Anne left, with Aramis following close behind her. Once they had passed the thick entrance door, he straightened up with a grin, took his cellphone and started typing.


"I hope you didn't have to wait too long. I tried to keep it brief," Anne said, slightly worried for Aramis, as they walked to the car.

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