Fair Game

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Anne Outfit: 

  Constance Outfit: 

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  Constance Outfit: 

  Constance Outfit: 

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Last time on „I can't breathe without you"

Immediately D'Artagnan pulled open both doors and burst into the council room. What he saw there, left him completely speechless.

Constance was crowded against a large table in the middle of the room, a tall, heavyset man looming over her. His right hand was wrapped around her upper arm and with his left arm he kept her pinned between his body and the table. Constance tried to use her free hand to push him away, but she was no match for his superior strength. Before the man had a chance to press his lips against her neck, however, D'Artagnan took two large steps towards them, grabbed the man's shoulder and forcibly pulled him away from Constance, getting a look at his face in the process. It was one of the guards stationed on the outer perimeter, often at the gate, but he couldn't recall the man's name.

Visibly surprised, the attacker hadn't caught on to the situation fast enough. The young bodyguard took advantage of this and knocked the man to the ground with a blow to the chin. Then he reached into the man's jacket, pulled the security badge out of the inner pocket, hauled him up by the shoulders and pushed him towards the door.

"Don't EVER come near the chateau again! And now go, before I forget myself!" he growled at the man, looming threateningly over him and blocking Constance from his view.

Still reeling from the blow and with a bleeding nose, the man stood inside the door. "Shit, man, what's wrong? She's just an assistant, they said she's fair game."

D'Artagnan made a threatening move towards the man. "You want round two?" he growled, raising his fist.

"No, it's okay, I didn't know that you....with her...."

Before D'Artagnan could silence him, the man stumbled through the door into the corridor, swaying unsteadily.

D'Artagnan grabbed his cellphone and notified the security guard at the gate, that man without a security badge was on his way and that he was to be allowed to leave, but never to return. When he turned around, he realized how tense he still was. As quickly as possible he tried to relax, in order to reassure the lady in the room.

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