Licking the wounds

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Last time in chapter 16:

"But you managed to injure him. Come on. Let's check the situation at the chateau. Two guards are with the king, he's alright, but we should search the other rooms as well. I've called in everybody." Treville said.


Porthos had picked up D'Artagnan from his apartment and they were now on their way to the chateau, trying not to break *every* speeding law. D'Artagnan looked down at his cellphone. "Aramis is with the cousin, they are hiding and waiting for support. Team C is on the way to them," he said. Porthos just nodded, drifting around the next curve. Both men put in their earpieces, so they would be in the comm loop as soon as they had reached the chateau.

"You are to meet Athos and Treville near the fireside room. I'll check the east wing and make sure Constance is safe," he continued.

Porthos practically raced up the driveway, so fast that a hailstorm of small gravel peppered the car. "Okay." As soon as the car had stopped, both men jumped out and split up, Porthos heading for the west wing and the fireside room and D'Artagnan towards Constance.


Porthos went directly to the fireside room. The first thing he saw was a man on the floor in the corridor leading to Louis's rooms. He approached and knelt down beside the unmoving body. "One man down," he reported through the comm link, then he took his cellphone and contacted Louis' personal physician. The man was mainly responsible for the king's health, but he took care of the servants, and especially the security personnel, as well.

At the sound of footsteps, Porthos immediately reached for the gun at his side.

"Porthos, thank God you're here. All the teams should be assembled shortly." Treville and Athos came up from the west wing.

"I called the doctor," Porthos said, still kneeling beside Jonsen. Athos nodded. The two friends knew that the doctor would not be able to do more than officially declare the man dead.

"What happened?" Porthos slowly got to his feet and looked questioningly at Athos and especially Treville.

"No time to explain. All I can say now is that one or more persons were detected on the grounds. Aramis is injured and, well, you can see what happened to Jonsen."

Porthos struggled to take in all of the information. However, he had been a soldier and could keep a clear head under stress. "We have to secure the premises," he said, looking around.

"I will take the inner ring with Teams A and B. Porthos, you take teams D, E and F and secure the grounds outside. Four men are in the surveillance room." Athos delegated. Treville could count on his men. "Good, I will take the doctor to Jonsen and Aramis and then stay close to the king." The three men split up.


Porthos went outside with the three teams. "Martin, your team will secure the area around the Bassin. That's where one of the intruders was headed, so be on your guard."

The team leader motioned to his men and they left the rest of the group to head to their assigned area.

"Durand, you'll take the Grand Parterre and the lake. Lefevre, your team will be at the English Garden." The other two teams headed out as well.

Porthos surveyed the outer area, before he moved closer to the chateau, paying special attention to the tunnel exits at the edge of the woods and at the English Garden. The wooden door masking the exit into the woods stood open and Porthos immediately reported it to Athos and Treville. "The tunnel has been used, the door is open."

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