Mon Amour Paris

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When Athos and Porthos arrived back at the castle, Treville was already waiting for them in his office.

"Ah, there you are. Where are the other two?" he asked.

"They stayed back to protect our principals, with field units as background support," Athos explained. Treville was not exactly pleased, - D'Artagnan was talented, but inexperienced, and Aramis sometimes went too far too easily – but he trusted Athos' decision. The man *was* his second-in-command after all.

"Very well. Come with me, there's a lot to discuss and the other teams are already assembled in the guard room." Treville led the way to join the other men. Once there, the captain addressed the small group.

"Messieurs, we have a lot to do. A security breach in the outer perimeter has been detected," he explained, calling up the updated map. "Here, this is the breach that needs to be closed. Teams A and B, you will install the necessary cameras, Porthos will assist you with that." Treville marked the spots on the map. Porthos and the members of the two teams nodded. "Once that's done, team C and Athos will check for blind spots on the new cameras."

The briefing concluded and the men went to their assigned tasks.


The car with D'Artagnan and Constance arrived at the cathedral

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The car with D'Artagnan and Constance arrived at the cathedral.

"Oh, wow!" Constance blurted out as she got out of the car. D'Artagnan briefly talked to the driver, then he came back to her side, as the car drove off.

"Oh, are we going to walk from here on?" Constance asked without taking her eyes of the gigantic building. "No, the car will be available, just parked a few streets away. Shall we go inside?" D'Artagnan was glad he had managed to delight her with the first landmark already.

Constance nodded and they walked towards the entrance. Unfortunately, there was already a long line of people waiting at the entrance. "Oh no, it looks like it will take a long time to get in." A little disappointed, Constance was about to suggest not to join the queue and go see something else instead.

"Don't worry, we'll take a shortcut," D'Artagnan said, taking her hand and gently tugging her towards the entrance, where a couple of security people stood, each looking more intimidating than the other.

D'Artagnan let go of her hand and Constance shook her head when she realized that she immediately missed his touch. Oh how he managed to turn her head.... She watched as he approached one of the men, who seemed to recognize him and shook his hand in greeting. The two men briefly talked, the security guard smiled and D'Artagnan came back to her side. "We can go inside now," he said, resting his hand lightly in the middle of her back to lead her towards the entrance.

"We don't have to wait in line?" Constance asked, feeling a little guilty for jumping to the head of the queue. "One of the advantages of working for the king," D'Artagnan reassured her.

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