The cards reshuffled

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Chapter 24: The cards reshuffled

Last time in chapter 23:

They had almost reached the hospital, but Athos had one final question. "How did you get into the chateau?"

"Rochefort said, a little mouse had told him about a secret passage the guards didn't know about."


Athos and Porthos dropped the man off at the hospital and went on to the police station.

"Who was that 'little mouse'?" Porthos asked the obvious question.

"We'll find out. First we need to get Madame Bonancieux out of prison."

Porthos nodded silently and drove faster.

At the police station Porthos went to the holding cells and Athos into Marcheaux's office.

"Ah, Monsieur Athos, I was wondering when you'd show up."

Athos took a seat opposite Marcheaux without waiting for an invitation. "You arrested a guest of the king. We want to see the warrant and most of all the charges against her."

Marcheaux thumbed through his files disinterestedly. "Well....." he said, dragging the word out as long as possible. "We have reason to believe that Madame Bonancieux acquired information illegally."

Athos raised an eyebrow. "Information? What kind of information?"

"I'm not at liberty to say."

Athos got to his feet. "Marcheaux, you need to think of a better lie than this."

He left the office and met up with Porthos again at the car. "How is she?" he asked.

"She's distressed, but keeping a stiff upper lip. Athos, we have to get her out of there."

"And we will, my friend. I'm sure D'Artagnan will have good news for us."

The two men went back to the chateau.


Louis wandered the corridors of the chateau. Whenever he met one of the servants, they stepped aside and lowered their heads. Louis just kept walking, not even acknowledging them. It was hard enough already. He had just come from his cousin. After the first shock over Rochefort's ugly betrayal, he had thought of his dearest cousin and had gone to inquire after her well-being. When he had seen her huddled on the sofa in a simple hoodie and leggings, her hair still slightly damp from a shower, he had forgotten his sorrow. No one attacked his family! Absolutely no one! He had briefly spoken with Anne and then left her to her much needed rest. Once he had closed the door behind him, he knew what he had to do.

Without knocking, he went into the office of his security chief. "Treville."

The man immediately rose from his chair. "Sire, to what do I owe the honour?"

"I have been thinking. May I?" Louis asked, indicating a chair near the window.

"Of course. Let me pour you some of this formidable wine."

Treville fetched two glasses and placed them on the little drinks trolley half-hidden behind the door. He took a bottle and poured them both some of it. "Here," he said, handing Louis one of the glasses.

"Thank you, Treville. You know, it's not easy, knowing who can be trusted and who can't."

"Your cousin has not betrayed you, King. I think you can trust her."

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