Chapter 6:Bowling

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*Tris Pov*
Today I am off of work. Thank goodness.

"Tris come on we are going Bowling"Christina Screams

I groan and sink back into my covers.

"Come on you need to look hot plus the party is Tomorow and it's 2:00 in the afternoon please" She begs.

I whine and get up she cheers.

"About time you finish we will be downstairs waiting in the Jeep. Your driving" She says I nod and yawn and walk into the bathroom.

Yes. we brought a jeep for moments like this and hot days today. Surprisingly we all fit perfect.

I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and take a shower.

When I get out I throw on some undergarments Christina brought for me.

I put on some Royal blue Skinny jeans, A Red crop top that has all the marvel people, Matching black Jordan's

I straighten my hair and put a black bandana over it.

I put some masscara, Eyeliner, Red lipstick I put on my black leather jacket around my waist just in case and put my phone in the pocket along with my wallet.

I run downstairs and lock the door and I hear the blasting my music which is Blurred Lines

I don't know why?

•Four's Pov•
I'm in the backseat on the end and Zeke is beside my then Shauna then Uri and Lynn and Al and Christina and Will in the front.

We are all in a comfortable silence.

Then we see Tris walking down the steps coming toward us looking beautiful as always.

She jumps over the door and gets in.

"Hola"she says

"Hey"we say back.

Then she puts the car in reverse and we are off the AMF

We then come to a red lights and Tris just sits there looking around.

Then this car of boys pull up and give tris the call me sign she just turns her head around and start driving to the arena.

*Tris Pov*
When we pull up we go inside and get our shoes and balls.

Locked out of heaven is playing.

We then go to an empty table with some lanes and I type everyone names in and Al goes first.

He goes and gets a spare then Lynn goes and she knocks over 8 then Four goes and he throws it so hard he gets a strike

Then it's my go. I walk by him and bump into him on purpose. I smile he stops and looks at me up and down and scoffs while smiling I doing the Same.

I grab my ball and but my fingers in it and pull back and it goes and I get a strike.

I smile smugly at Four and he rolls his eyes playfully.

Then Zeke goes and he knocks over 5 Marlene goes and Knocks over 7
Shauna goes and gets a strike
Will goes and gets a strike.
Uriah goes and gets a Gutter then throws a tempertaturm which results in getting slapped by Lynn.
Christina goes and knocks over 3

We keep playing until we get tired.

We then go next door to GameStop really quick.

I get Grand Theft Auto 5, Black Ops, Mortal Konbat, Cooking Mama for the Wii

I then come out of the store and get back into the car and the boys loose their minds.

Christina then turns on Gorilla by Bruno mars and I look to her and she wiggles her eyebrows.

'You'll be banging on my chest bang bang Gorilla'

'Oh You and me baby making love like gorillasassasas.' Us girls sing.

"You guys I want to go to the mall" Shauna says.

I look to Christina and her face lights up

"Hell. No" I say

"Yesssss" Everyone shouts at me.

I huff and pull out. And head to the mall

How was that?
Sorry for being short
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