Chapter 41:Errands with Ethan

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*Tris Pov*

 The past few weeks have been fine every since the Evelyn incident. She keeps calling but Tobias keeps ignoring. He told me he just needs some time to think about it before he talks to her again.

 Ethan has been getting a little better getting acoustumed to the world and his schedule we are trying to put him on. It's a little fustrating but still its all a new learning experience.

 Christina stomach is getting a little bigger and she is glowing more than the sun its so awesome to see that. Now I know what she means when she said I looked like how I explain  her.

I think that she is going to be a great mom the way she is always around and spoiling Ethan every chance she can get.

Lilly is doing great aswell she is now learning how to sit up fully and its so adorable.

Marlene is thinking she wants a baby but right now she wants to just chill with Uriah.

Lynn is....well...Lynn is Lynn.

Ethan cry snaps me out of my deep slumber.

I try to peel open my eyes but sleep keeps pulling me back in. Like when your mom or alarm wakes you up for school and you tell yourself or her that you are going to get up but you end up falling back asleep. Thats how I feel right now.

"Tris" Tobias groans

"Hm" I groan back

"Do you hear that or is that just me?"He ask his voice still groggliy and Im guessing his eyes still closed but I sure as hell know that mines are.

"Yup" I say popping the P

"Are You going to get it?" We both say at the same time.

After a while we fall back asleep then I come to my senses and hurridly jump out of bed and trip over my boots. I hop into Ethan's room and see his face with tears and all red.

"Awee Mommy is so sorry" I say as I lift him.

Then a big stinky smell hits my nose making my face scrunch up.

"Did you make a oppsie-daisy?" I say looking at my whimpering Son.

I roll my eyes at the big mess that is about to happen.

I look at his little clock on his wall and it reads 7:38.

I grab a fresh diaper and his wipes. I unsnap his snaps on his onesie at the bottom and pull it up so its at his belly  button. I take 2 big deep breaths and undo the diaper and hold in my breath.

I walk away a little and suck in another breath and return. I wipe him clean and put on a fresh Diaper.

I spray a little freshener around the room then I pick him up and walk back into my room with my baby in my arms. 

I wipe his face that has left over tears and crawl into bed. Tobias still asleep Snoring. He only snores when he is either sick or really tired. 

 I don't wake him because he has to be to work in a couple of hours. I don't because I am still on maternity Leave. I am off next month.

I lay Ethan on his stomach even though he is still awake but I know what is going to get him tired.

I start rubbing his back soothingly and within 5 minutes he is out like a light.


I wake up again but instead of Ethan crying I hear shuffling and the bed moving.

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