Chapter 30:Non Stop Tears...Again

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*Tris Pov*

~2 Months Later~

Right now I'm coming home from work. I also got promoted last week. I now do the braces. For re-wiring and coloring. It pays crazy cash.

When I get home I hear heavy panting and moans.

Followed by Springs of the mattress.

I grab the chopping knife and go upstairs I open me and Tobias door and I see him and Amber under the covers doing it.

Tears fill up in my eyes.

"Really?!" I scream

They stop and look at me. Amber smirks proudly.

I walk over and punch her and I hear a satisfying crack.

"Four! Really?! Why would you do this to me! I thought you loved me!" I shout wiping my tears.

He just stares at me. I slap him and grab some clothes and stuff them in a duffle bag and I run to my car and speed To Christina's and Will's place.

Will opens the door and sees me crying he pulls me into a hug and tries to calm me down.

Christina walks in and pulls me into a hug and I cry on her shoulder.

"What happened" She says

"Four. He-he. He cheated on me with Amber. I caught them at my house" I say

he face turns into Pity then quickly into rage.

"I'm going to kill him" She says

"Can I stay here?" I ask

"Of course you can. You still have your room" Will says

I thank them and go upstairs.

I change my clothes into my Mickey Mouse onesie and I put my hair in a messy ponytail.

Then I wipe off my face and try to calm down but More tears fall.

That night. I cry myself to sleep.

*Christina Pov*

Poor Girl.

"I must and will kill him. But first I'm inviting everyone over" I say and call everyone over.

Once they come over they ask where is Four. I fill. Them in then we all go upstairs and see the sadist sight ever.

Tris curled in a ball crying again.

"Oh no. My Trissy poo" Uriah says and he and Mar lay on top of her and hug her.

Soon we are all a dog pile on her bed comforting each other.

~Next Day~

*Tris Pov*

I wake up the next morning and see that everyone is gone.

I roll out of bed and look in my mirror. I look like booty.

Thank goodness I don't have to work today. Nor does Shauna.

I take a shower and put on black sweats and a hoody. I just brush my hair out.

Soon I feel the need to vomit.

I just sit by the toilet and feel my mouth water up. Not in a hungry way.

Soon I throw up in the toilet. It must the stress.

I sit up and wipe the tears that came from my face.

I flush the toilet and brush my teeth and toilet bowl down.

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