Chapter 34:Ice Cream Issues

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*Tris Pov*

6 months pregnant.

It's soooo hard being pregnant and having to eat healthy foods when all you crave is junk food.

I never herd of being pregnant and craving veggies

Right now I'm craving Ice Cream so bad I can taste it.

I somehow manage to slip out of Tobias death grip and tiptoe downstairs. It is 2Am.

Once I manage to get downstairs I grab a bowl and get 2 scoops of ice cream that I hardly can see the names of because the lights are dim.

I put chocolate syrup, strawberries, Oreo's M & N's, Whipped Cream and to top this deliciousness sprinkles.

If he doesn't want me to be eating junk food -WHEN THE DOCTOR SAID THAT THE BABY IS DOING PERFECTLY FINE-why does he still have it here.

"What do you think you're doing?" Someone snaps me out of my trance and that someone is Tobias.

The lights flick on and there he stands. Shirtless with sweatpants where you can see the top band of his boxers.

The bad thing about it is that the last of the sprinkles fall out of the container.

Like when the rat off of ratatouille got caught putting the things in the soup and the last bit fell out of his hand. That's how I look.

"Um" I say standing back up straight.

"Tris you know you can't be eating this crap it's bad for the baby" He says pushing away the bowl and picking me up and sitting me on the counter.

"But Toby" I whine like a baby

"But Trissy" he whines back.

"Well I'm craving it and all I have been eating his healthy food. The people at Trader Joes practically have me listed as 'one of the most comers'. Even Doc said that the baby is healthier" I say

"I don't want to take any chances. I have been reading the baby books" he says

My heart leaps. He is such a great husband.

"When?" I ask

"Well your either always sleep or trying to get rid of a headache or trying to cool down, your hormones are crazy" he says

I start tearing up. No. No. No!

"No. No. No. I didn't mean it like that. I have no problem with it" Tobias says pulling me into a hug.

"It's just so freaking annoying" I say breathing heavy trying to calm down.

"You know how the women in the commercials and movies act like it's a walk in the park. Well I'm calling bullsh!t on everything. My feet and back always hurt. I can never drink anything without going to the bathroom 5 minutes later, head splitting headaches, getting sick over the most craziest things ,getting hot out of the blue, a stomach that's weighing you down, I have no control over my body whatsoever. It's just so frustrating." I say fanning my self trying to stop my crying.

"Just think that after all of this is done we will have our little bundle of joy" Tobias says trying to make the situation Better then he kisses me.

With my hormones going crazy. There is never really a dull night. The Doctor said it's okay to be intimate just not to the extreme or too roughly.

"Come on" Tobias pulls back and lifts me up and holds me. He goes to the drawer still holding me and grabbing a spoon and grabs the bowl and he takes me upstairs.

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