Chapter 44:Early?

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*Tris Pov*

These past few days have been busy and to top it all of Today is my mother's birthday AND Tobias is not here.

Ethan is starting to get more fussy. He probaly misses Tobias. He can sense that he is gone.

While he is still asleep I take a shower and I put on Dark grey skinny jeans, A light Grey tanktop so it will be easy to nurse Ethan and I put on black and grey socks.

I put my hair in a ponytail and I walk into Ethan's room and see he is now crying.

I pick him up and hold him to my chest.

I rock him up and down and he holds on to the front of my top by my boobs.

He cries louder so I push down my bra and top and I nurse him.

Once he is finished I burp him and take him into the bathroom to wash him.

I draw a warm bath and put him in there.

I start to think of all the fun times with my mother and father before they got into an accident.

Every year on her birthday we would make Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese frosting and then we would attempt to make homemade icecream which turned into a big mess. Those were the great times.

I start crying and Ethan looks up at me from playing with his rubber boat and starts to cry.

I dump out the water from the basin and rinse him off.

He can sit up, somewhat. But I just want to be careful.

I wrap him in a towel and hold him to my chest.

"It's okay, I'm fine" I rock him.

Silent tears fall out of my eyes and I try my best to not sniffle.

I lay him on his changing table and put on his diaper and his black onesie that does not have pants on it since its a little warm.

I put on his thin socks and I lay in bed and play with him while I finish up some paperwork.

I turn on the televison and turn on Curious George.

We gets memorized at the moving animated things even though he does not understand it.

I sit him upright in my arms and later on I eat and then I put him down for a nap.

Once he is asleep I lay him beside me and I turn off the televison and I lay him in his crib and think about all that has happened for the past couple of years and I find myself crying.

*Tobias Pov*

I was suppoused to be coming home in two days but I finished with Michael early so I got to come home.

Tris does not know that I am on my way.

Right now I am in the cab and I cant stop myself from smiling.

The Cab driver looks at me like I am crazy when I pay him.

I grab my things and go inside quietly and I set my stuff down and I grab the Red velvet cupcakes and Icecream.

I go upstairs and walk into our room and I see Tris curled up in a ball crying.

I almost drop the treats I set them down on the dresser and walk over to her.

"Miss Me?" I ask 

She looks up and more tears fall out of her eyes faster.

She jumps into my arms and kisses me.

"I missed you"She cries on my shoulder.

"I missed you more"

"Why was you crying?"I ask wiping some of her tears.

"Mom's birthday is today"She looks down at her hands.

"I brought you something" I sit her on her knees.

I go over to the dresser and grab the treats and give it to her.

More tears fall from her face.

"You remembered"She smiles at me.

"Where's big man?" I ask eager to see my son.

She points to the crib where I see slight movements.

I walk over there and pick him up.

He rubs his face with his tiny fist.

I smile and he looks up at me with his Dark Blue eyes like mine.

His eyes light up and he wraps his arms around me.

I hug him back.

"I missed you big man"I kiss his forehead.

He gurgles and snuggles up more to me.

I group hug them.

"I am so happy to be back."

"We're so happy to have you back"

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