Chapter 33:Doctors Appointment

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*Tris Pov*

After the fun sleepover of eating and me and Shauna practically drinking 6 full cartons of juice by our selfs. Oh do I love juice.

So today is our appointment.

I get up luckily no throwing up and I take a shower. Tobias told me that everyone left an hour ago.

After my shower I put on black shorts, and A neon yellow tank top with an oversized shoulder pink sweater. It's around March and even though when winter comes it never snows or gets really cold we just have a tad bit chilly wind and the temp make drop just a bit.

And it rains so much. That's the outcome of living by the equator.

I put my hair in a bun and I put on water proof make up and pink lipstick with some Jordan's.

Once Tobias gets dressed we head to the hospital.

It's good to have my Toby back.


Once we walk inside of the OBGYN doctors office and the smell of cleaning supplies hits my nose and it's sickening.

"I'll be right back" I say

"You okay?" he says

I nod and power walk to the females bathroom luckily nobody is in there.

I go into one of the stalls and throw up my juice since that's all I had this morning.

After I think I'm finished I get a paper towel and wipe my face.

Then it hits me again and I go back into the stall and throw up again.

I stop and wipe my mouth and face and gargle water.

Once I look presentable I go back out and Tobias looks at me curious.

"Are you okay?" He asks again

"Peachy" I say with a huff. I really hate this pregnancy sickness.

Once we sign in we sit then a nurse calls me back.


I sit on the table with a paper gown on swing my legs back and fourth. That's my nervous tell.

"Your nervous relax" Tobias says holding a hand on my swing legs.

I nod just then the doctor comes in. A male.

"You have got to be kidding me" I hear Tobias mumble.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Parrish"He says as he shakes me and Tobias hand.

"From the looks of it. You seem pregnant. I just need to do a cervix test. To be 100% legs up please" he says

Tobias gives him a look and I put my legs up on the bar.

Once I finish getting dressed I sit on the table and we wait for the results.

"Can you request a female doctor" Tobias says after a while

"Tobias it's nothing like that you are acting like he's seeing me nude" I say

"Partially" he mumbles and I roll my eyes.

"Okay. We are back with the test. You are pregnant. 2 months to be exact. Only one though" he says

Tears fill up in my eyes and I smile. Tobias smiles to and kisses me.

When I pull back I can't stop smiling.

"I have a question. Have you been stressed lately?"Dr. Parrish asks

"Yes" I say hoping nothing bad.

"Okay well take it easy. Eat healthy foods because considering the amount of stress you have been in could kill the baby. So exercise, eat healthy and read baby books"He says

"Okay thank you" I say

"No problem. See you next month" he says and leaves.

"Tobias we're having a baby!" I say and kiss him.

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