Chapter 4

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I was happy in the stars but that was before the pathetic excuse of a king Zeus decided do take me down from the skies and banish me down to Tartarus because i quote "No Titan or demi-Titan deserves to be in the skies." I say that is a bunch of bullshit.
---------------------Flash back----------------------
I saw Zeus entering the garden and see he stopped directly at the same spot i died and started to look around as if to see if there is someone he probaly is seeing as he is a rule breaker then he started chanting too fast for me to comprehend and suddenly pain exploded in me an i feel like i am being dragged down. Down and down i went until i reach back on Earth just in time to hear him say, "No Titan or demi-Titan deserves to be in the stars." Before i started to fall down to the abyss lookin place that i later learned is Tartarus.
--------------------Flash back end----------------
That i how i am in Tartarus. Anyway in the skies i learned how to speak proper English as Ouranos got tired of hearing my old English like what is it with people changing the way you speak. As i entered more like fall into Tartarus, just my luck that Hyperion is there as if Zeus told him that i will fall at here well he probaly did being an asshole he is. There he captured me and forced me into his source of entertaintment. He forced me to fight monsters and if i lose i get tortured and he purposely put strong monsters there so he can torture me he even almost raped me but thought better of it as he planned to give me to Gration for something in returned probaly an alliance of sorts. During the torture Hyperion would invite other monsters and Titans to come and torture me while he stay at the background and he would either watch in amusement from my screams or taunt me about the Gods like if they would save me or not. Over time i got used to it until i donr scream anymore much to his dissapointment. So he came up with more things and ways to torture me. And he made me immortal so i dont die from the torture or the fights.
-------------------Flash back------------------------
I just lost a fight in fighting alot of monsters that are put in the arena. Monsters ranging from weak once like dracanes to the Titans who want me to be tortured like they do it from time to time since they enjoyed my screams of pain but i got used to it. So here i am chained to the wall waiting for my torture to come i dont realt care any more as their torture methods are used to my bodies. Hyperion came in pulling a bronze bull like statue and put it in the room then he proceded to come to me and unchained me from the wall and drag me and open a hatch only then that i realised the statue is hollow, he put me inside and locked the hatch in place. I sat there at the darkness waiting for something to happen then i started to sweat and it is starting to get hot until the metal starts to burn me i tried to move around but it is useless i keeps on burning my skin until my skin blisters and start to peel off it hurts but i kept my mouth syut not wanting to give him the pleasure of my screams of pain bitting my tounge hard until it starts to bleed and dripped down to the metal and i heared a hiss. Only then that i realised he is trying to burn me alive. I tried to keep my screams in but i cannot hold it anymore and started to scream and i can faintly hear Hyperion laughing this go on and on never stop because it has been very long since i last screamed so i bet he is savouring every bit of it that bastard.
---------------------Flash back ends-------------
I sighed this has been going on for i dont know how long as time is hard to tell when you are in Tartarus since every night and day looks the same. I stopped trying to escape on like what seems like my 50th time i kow that is alot but i cant help it they are idiots with each attempt i got further and further but i cannot go to long before i collapsed from eshaustion and everytime they capture me they always torture me and they are the worst from pouring lave down my throat to stabbing me with pit metal that just a scratch will question your sanity and a stab will make you go insane and all of them hurts alot like trust me you dont want to try it. So i stopped and just hoped that someone will find and help me i know it is a foolish dream but i cant help it as it is the only thing that helps me from going insane. After hoping and hoping one day i stopped since a sinister plan start to plan in my head what if i turn insane as you cannot break someone who is already insane so i started to pretend to make myself insane which worked the torture sessions reduced drastically it seems i was right, Hyperion only tortures me in hopes of breaking me. With that i smiled oh well i pretended to be insane whenever they are around and even going as far as drawing with my own blood and i draw so vividly and so lively i was nicknamed the Artist due to my drawings and all of them depict souls being tortured. Most of the monsters there are afraid of going in even Hyperion does though he dont show it, such a shame. Only the brave dares to come in and wiped it off so the other will not be scared off. So i await in my cell waiting for anything to happen while curling around myself to give me as much warmth as possible as my clothes are torned. Muttering to myself to make myself look insane it all stopped when i heard someone said with a familliar voice


===========to be continued========

"You cannot sell dreams to people who have walked trough nightmares."

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