Chapter 30

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i was doing my duty as a horsemen until i heard Percy call me or pray to me whatever. His tone was urgent so i flash myself there just in time to hear a roar/scream that i never heard before not even in my hunt with Percy. i frowned but shrugged and ran towards the Hunters camp just in time to see Percy surrounded with red, black and white mist. i watch as his skin peels off slowly and revealing thick fur? skin?, i flinch at that must have hurt i thought, and continue to watch as horns grow from his head with wait is that lava? flowing through the cracks. his face elongated to a snout. and he dropped to all four. you can see his teeth coming out of his mouth, sharp as knives. And claws is also growing. after that i cant see much as the mist i blocking my view after quiet sometime the mist dissapear well most of it any way. it reveal what used to be percy a wolf looking monster with fur dark as night and teeth and claw sharp enough to cut through flesh and bones. His eyes are probaly the most scariest one. his sclera (the white part of the eye) is black and his iris is blood red with specks of ice blue with a black ring around it. his pupil is slit like a snake with a ever changing color never staying the same. And it is on fire. if you look at him you will be paralysed how do i know i have encounter a monster like that before. his eyes make you look like you are just a speck of dirt not worth to be look at and you feel like he is staring at your soul. i was snapped back to reality when it roared. it charged at what looks like a random direction or that is what i thought until i heard a scream. A girl scream i ran to her only to see her burned alive by his horns that seem to be on fire. i look at them horrified until his head snapped in my direction. i gulped and took out my sword and charged at him raising it at a overhead strike only to be blocked by his claws and i look at it and gasped seeing it is made out of void metal and a metal that i dont know. Void metal the strongest metal on the universe one capable of killing us horsemen and fade any immortal but not us it can kill us but we never can be faded. Taking my moment of surprise it swipe it claws at my chest. the blow itself is enough to knock me back destroying a couple of trees in the process. i lay there groaning from the pain and i sit up blinking the black spots out of my eyes. it charged at me but a hunter noticed this and try to help me by shooting arrows but it only make it angrier and it charged at it. she tried to run but the monster was more faster and it end up killing her by eating her alive and worst part is i know her seeing this i start to see red and i charged at him.

Artemis POV

i watch as he tried to get me to reveal sensitive information.

"tell me what i want to know maybe i will let you go." he said

"maybe? even so i would rather die than give you information." i said in a emotionless tone

he growled and start to inject something to me and it hurts a lot like being burn by aid and your flesh peeling off combine that and multiply it by a hundred. but i didnt scream because thats the thing Talon did something to me. 

"silent treatment huh?"

i lay there looking amused at him. until i grew bored you know what screw it i am leaving if there is something out of the door i will deal with it. the room block my powers so i hope it is not the same for the outside or it will take a long time. i muttered something.

"huh what did you say?"

he leaned closer. i clenched my teeth and pop! the poison i kept there is released and i smashed my lips on to him kissing him i release the poison slowly as not to be caught. while distracted i start to unchain my right feet by doing complex manouvers. we pulled away to breathe i look at him to see a smirk plastered at his face

"giving up and falling for me eh?"

"No." i said until his hands snapped to his mouth and his eyes widen as the poison starts to spread. i smiled sweetly at him. he looked horrified until his eyes rolled to the back of his head signaling me he is dead. i snapped my leg out catching him before he fall and make a sound. i start to unchain my self though slowly. once freed i lay him down gently and went to one of the walls and grab a weapon fools i thought. with that i went out and just my luck my powers are still locked. i sighed looks like we do this the old fashion way i thought. with that i slowly walk out sticking to the shadows i made it pass most of the gaurd until i found a door with a fingerprint scan. i looked for a gaurd founding one i killed him but sadly a did not see the other one and he sound the alarm well that sucks i thought. i took the knife and stabbed him and cut off his hand and place it on the scanner waiting for awhile until the door open revealing 20 guns pointed at me

"not so fast you think i would let you go easily the one who i think is the boss said."

"well looks like my day just got better and no i was expecting this" i said while pullind a stun grenade and throw it while combat rolling back wards and slash at them killing most of them before they recover. they start to shoot taking out a sword that somehow is there i reflect it back at them killing all that is left i took some of the guns and went to the door looks like i was right we are in a boat. i went to the heli pad and saw UH-60 Black hawk stealth helicopter which is perfect as it was night time i threw a smoke bomb just in time as one of them spot me i kill them as quickly as i could as i know reinforcement will come. killing them i went to the helicopter and hot wire it and leave dodging all the missles and bullets that came from turrets that were set up. after getting out of their range i saw that the helicopter has night vision and auto pilot i set the coordinates and set off.


"just because you are right doesnt mean i am wrong it means you havent seen life the way i do"

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