Chapter 14

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Percy POV
Walking back to the base i entered it and saw Zoe and Luke training. I went to the benches and sat down waiting for them to see me while i watch them play. Zoe is on the offensive while Luke is on defense. Looks like Zoe has an upper hand that is until she over extended her right arm leaving her right side exposed. Luke quickly use it to his advantage and cut her not to deep but enough to make her tired if she continue. But Zoe being the stubborn person she is she still fight. Metal against metal, sparks flying everywhere i smiled watching as they spar against each other both are impressive but it still can be improved. Zoe managed to make Luke yeild. I started to clap making them jump which i laughed at. I laugh a humourless laugh.

"Come on lets go to the dining room and i will explain my metal/cyborg arms." I told them seeing the question in their eyes. We ate in silence. After eating and cleaning the dishes i told them what happened from start to finish leaving the part i was fooled by. I told you not to trust her. I sighed knowing he was right. Hell yeah. Enough Joker. Zephys commanded. Zephys is my other half. He rarely talk but when he talk it is worth listening to. Percy do you think Artemis will be the one. Yes i believe so after all she was the only one able to break my kiss of death. The kiss of death make whoever i kissed fall asleep or die. And i can choose wheter they sleep or die and if sleep for how long. I still remembered the day it happened.

_________Flash back___________________
"Alright Arty you know the drill 100 push ups, 125 pull ups, 150 sit up and 5 km run/jog." I told her. She groaned and do as i said. By the time she is sweating but not too much as she is used to it. I was grinning when she looked up to me after resting withe her hands on her knees.

"Nice job you have improved anyway now you will fight me." As i say this her eyes widen but her being her she steeled her nerves and got ready knowing no weapons or powers allowed.
"3.....2.....1." I said shouting at the last part. We start to fight. She throw a jab to my face but i counter it by ducking and hit her chest. She stumbled but she reacted fast enough to block my fist that was coming towards her. She blocked it and kneed me in the gut. Making me stumble back. I spin away as she threw a punch. I stomped on her foot making her yelp before she lost her balance and fall on her back but before i can do anything to her she kicked her feet down while jumping making her in standing position again. I narrow my eyes at her when i realise this is not going to be easy as last time we fought. I smiled in anticipation making her shiver under my smile. So this continued with us blocking each other attack until i somehow managed to straddle her with my legs. I smirked in victory. Before leaning down and kiss her with the kiss of death. I pulled away and stand up not anticipating a blow to my gut.

"I am not done yet if you think a kiss is going to stop me then you are dead wrong." She said. I was too shocked to block her attack before snapping out of it and fight back as i am not giving her 1000 drachamas as we bet before that one day she is going to defeat me. But atlas i lost as powers are not allowed i grumbled before giving her the drachamas.

"You okay?" She asked. I looked at her with my eyebrows raised.

"You looked shock when i manage to fight after you kissed me." She explain. My mouth dropped to an "o". After that i explain what that kissed was for and what it does.

"Well i am an enchantress no?"

"You are not let that go are you?"

"Nope." She said while popping the 'p'. I sighed as she did not understand. A propechy was made years ago it goes like this he shall not find love in anyone as all his poor life. I sighed not being able to touch anyone all but Artemis but i never told her.

___________flash back ends____________
I sighed remember the days i spend with Artemis. I was back in my libary doing more research especially how the whole projecting my soul thingy and so the whirlwind happen start again. Reading books upon books for so long my eyes hurt so i decided to stop and went to my bedroom to rest. Thinking of reason why Artemis was able to touch me without dieing not that i am complaining or anything. After all i am used to it millenias of not touching anyone and it sucks. Man i pity you never being able to touch anyone. You dont understand the pain. I lay in my bed thinking and talking to Joker and Zephys do you guys have any idea why Artemis can touch us? Nope. Zephys? I have an idea, what if we read the prophecy wrong? Hmm i gues that can be a reason so if it is not correct then what is? I dont know i havent thought that far yet. A knock was heard. "Come in." I said. Zoe entered.

"What is it?" I asked

"A monster army is heading here."


"Fools hide their pain in their eyes but profesionals hide it in their smile."

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