Chapter 8

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Artemis POV
I was sitting in my throne at the Lin Kuei temple which is a simple throne made of ice thinking of what to do when two of my soldiers came in.

"Grandmaster, intruders spotted. They are entering our lands." One of them said respectfully. I nodded and dismissed them. I went out side to ou border wall and find the only goddess that i like Hestia. I smiled and ask two of my newest recruit to escord her here and say this words"Artemis send us." They look confused as no one knows my name as they just refer me to Sub-Zero(A/N i know sub-zero is a male but for the sake of the story i made him a female.) They nodded and went to go do as i ordered them to. I was well liked and respected in the Lin Kuei as i rule justly and kindly. I told the soldier gaurding the walls that when they return tell them to go to my private room. My private room is the only room in the place that no one is allowed to enter without my permission. The room is like my office/study room so in there you can find a desk made from the finest and srongest wood with carvings of my domain like hunting etc. A desk chair made up of the finest leather and two chais in front of the desk. A fire place and a shelf full of books behind the desk chair. Anyone who enters will fill like home in it. There are also carving on the walls it depicts the tales where the Lin Kuei is victorious including wars battle and tournaments. So far we are the champions in the tournament and we never lose a war so far anyway. While i was admiring my office i didn't realise that Hestia and the soldiers that i sent are here until someone clear their throat. I turned and apologised for not noticing them and dissmised my soliders.

"Who are you?" Hestia asked

"Oh come i know i have changed but surely you would recognise me unlike the rest of our family." I replied. You can see the gears in her head turning until realization dawns upon her and she crushed me in a hug which i gladly returned. After our reunion i ask her what happened so far. She told me some changes happened like every year they will have a meeting in trying to find me which i laughed at. Now that reminds me

"Hestia how did you find me?" I asked.

"I sensed alot of sorrow here so i decide to check it out. Now i am here why are there so much sorrow?" She replied

"Every year i dedicate a day where we will mourn our fallen cormrades and brother/sister in arms and today is that day to be honest this is the only time of the year where there is this much sorrow." I replied which she nodded to.

"Hey Artemis i know your gonna hate this but we need your help the titans and Gaia is rising again and they decide to join forces but they are stonger than usual like unusually strong." She told me. I know about the monster getting stronger but i dont know who. And she was right i hate the first part.

"Fine! I will help but in a few conditions and i will return whenever i want to olympis and i ask you not to tell them that you have found me."


With that we continued exchanging stories of our lives. And what angers me the most is that Hestia is thrown off the council again. Hearing that saying i was pissed no scratch that furious is a the biggest understatement of the year but unfortunately for me and fortunately for others Hestia was here so she can calm me down. I maybe a cold person but i still care for people i care or love. We talked until Hestia have to leave before Zues noticed. So with that i informed my soldiers of our perdicament and yes they are well informed of the mythology world so that is why all of our weapons have imperial gold and celestial bronze in them. Our weapon consists of guns, bows and arrow, and etc. Unlike those fools who think swords,daggers and bows and arrows are enough. I look forward for my enterance in olympus one that they will never forget. I will not being my soldiers until they are needed as i dont want unecessary deaths. So here i am back to my office trying to plan for the war keeping all the information Hestia have given and my own information in mind spending hours upon hours in there but atlast no flawless plan and i hate it. So i decide to stop and go to my libary. Saying it is enourmous will be a understatement as it has books recording back to the beginning of time and trust me it goes way back. So i look around trying to find a book that catches my eye after walking around and around i finaly found a book about 'faded dieties and secret and ancient relics' so with that i started reading so fast that other people who dont know me well would think i was flipping through pages not reading. But if you look closely you can see my eyes going from left to right from up to down. Going on and on until Edsmun my liutenant came in and said the words that made me worry.

"Grandmaster we are under attack"

========to be continued===========
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