Chapter 26

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Artemis POV * at the time percy summoned Orion*
I woke up to see a letter on my bedside table. With a bow and arrow seal. Curious i opened it and i read.

Dear Artemis,
I kmow you still hate me so i write this letter for you to tell you where and what i am going to do. Remember when we first started to make your own Hunt after what happened to our friends and the original one. Where we found a hut full of girls who are victims to abuse and raped? Then we decide to train them to be hunters so they can protect themselves. Also i realised that the older hunters are dead well except for Zoe but you know what i mean. So i have a surprise for you. But anyway i am at Alaska but i ask you not to come here not because i dont want you to see me. No i am afraid of what you are going to the 'people' i recruited. Dont worry as the 'people' has sworn absolute loyalty to me. And you are probaly gonna hate me but i summoned Orion from Tartarus. Dont worry i 'train' him to respect women and not to touch or look at them the wrong way. And by 'train' i mean torturing him. So much that he is afraid to touch women now. So i ask you to get along with him if not just try not to kill him. We will need him for the war also monsters with a celtic knot woven in a circle not to kill them as they are the 'people' i was refering to.

(The symbol)

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(The symbol)


I smiled. After reading it while wiping a few tears that have fallen due to the nention of the Hunt as i have not yet get over them. I was curious though what the surprise could be. But i dont ponder over it knowing whatever Percy has planned for me would not be what i think it is so it would be a waste of time to think. So i do my daily routine you know thaking a bath, brushing my teeth etc even do i dont need to but i do it to give me time to think what to do. I dressed my self with dark clothes tight enough for me to to move around not restricted but not tight enough so i can hide my weapons. Can you guess how many weapons i have? I went outside to the kitchen and cook myself some breakfast and some for the hunters. I hummed as i work.

Thalia POV *after chating with percy yesterday*
After Percy and Famine left we were once again alone in the living room. We continued to chat until some people wearing like us appeared. We immediately got into a fighting stance with my aegis and spear out and the rest have their bows out and their arrows notched.

"Who are you" i asked.
One of them cocked her head to the side before answering

"We are the hunters of Aremis. Now where are we before we shove an arrow down your throat."

"What do you mean we are the hunters of Artemis." I said. Then everyone became tensed until one of them who seemed to be the leader said.

"Everyone calm down. I belive we can solve this. Milady has taught us better than this." Trying to calm everyone down. It worked for the others who just appeared but the rest of us are still tensed.

"Where are we?" The leader asked.

"Some where near Alaska." I replied.
They looked shocked i wonder why but that question was answered soon.

"We are supposed to be dead." One of them said in confusion.

"We swear to the river Styx what we said is true." Another one of them said noticing that we still didnt believe them. Thunder boomed in the distance but non of them got killed. We relaxed ourselves. I said

"I believe introductions are in order my name is Thalia current liutenant."
Time skip
All of us awake to the smell of bacons and eggs. Everyone looked around at confusion wondering who would wake up at 5 am in the morning. We all went downstairs to see milady cooking  while humming a song. We looked at each other surprised as she never does this.

"I know you there come out no need to hide. And breakfast is on the table" She said.

"Umm milady there not enough for us ." One of the not so dead hunters said. She tensed and stopped whatever she was doing and asked

"H-how are you alive." She asked.

"Umm we dont know we just appeared." The leader told her. She looked up and smile. Before shaking her head amused and go back to cooking. Soon we all sat around and ate and chat with each other.
Time skip
Artemis POV
Days passed after the day that i read the letter and got my dead hunters back. I always have this presence looking at me but i thought nothing of it. Until one day i realise who it is. It was at night time i sent the hunters to bed and look up at the sky gazing at the stars before saying

"I know you are there percy." Soft footsteps come towards me. I smiled a s i felt his hands wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer.

"I am sorry." He whispered. I turned around before hugging him as tears start to fall remembering he is gonna die soon.

"How did you do that?" I asked

"Hmmm oh that i pulled a few favours to bring them back and to keep the star in the sky." He replied.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Two reasons. One i dont want you to be sad as i want my last memories of you to be happy. Two i love you. And dont even try to fake a smile or put on a mask i do it long enough to know it when i see one."

"Please dont leave me." I said muffled from his chest. He lifted my head before pulling me into a deep kiss. We both pulled away after sometime to catch our breath. He pulled out necklaces that has a key and a pendant with symbol for each one.

"Give this to your hunters so you can enter the camp without getting killed if you want. Also as a last resort i want you to go to the forbidden forest i know what it does so i give you the key so you never get lost. It also is enchanted to grow with your hunters and it will never get lost. It also doubled as a weapon or a jewlery if they want just think and it shall be done." Handing them to me. I frowned when i realise there is non for me.

"Where is mine?" I asked

"Yours is the ring i gave you why do you think you never get lost." He replied

"Also the ring can turn to anything when i say anything i meant everything." He said while putting his index finger on my fore head and pushed. With that i got information on the ring and what it can do. After its done i looked at him shocked before pulling him to a kiss.

Third POV
And so it continued them talking and stealing kisses for the rest of the night.

"Some of us wear our mask for so long we forgot who we are underneath."

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