Chapter 21

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3rd POV
The smoke cleared to reveal two men and a woman riding horses. The first of the four. Often diguised as a well manered and silver tounge traveling noble and gains the admiration and adoration af the people he speak to. He enjoys walking to kingdoms of great kings and emporors and convince them to give up their crown to him, few were able to turn down his request. And once he put the crown on his head everyone within falls to his magical subjugation carrying out his will against their own will. He carries a silver long bow and a quiver filled with peacok feathered arrows at his hip. He rides upon his majestic white horse, Glory. A force to be reckoned with when he has an entire army on his heel. His name is Conquest. Dressed in the deepest of black and often diguised as a medicine man, Famine seeks to deal justice to those whose major sin is gluttony. When she finds the people who gorge themselves, she wipes out scores of crips, kills and rots livestock, dries up rivers, and sends masses to despair. Carrying a scale that doubles as a magical focus, she rides the night black horse, Fear, draining energy and hope from the living to make herself stronger. She is Famine. Continualy seeking out chaos and destruction. War disguise himself as an old bitter solider. Finding unrest in small villages or great kingdoms. War feeds fire to the flames of disgruntled serfs or nobles, driving them to commit acts of violence than quickly esclate to a full fledged battles and world covering wars. With each arrow shot and each sword swung he grows stronger, feeding of the world's chaos. He wields a termendous greatsword that seems to alwys glisten with blood. He rides in his flaming red horse, Ruin and is physically the strongest of the four horsemen, capable of deafing of any warrior in combat aside from Death. He is War. The final and the most dangerous horsemen. Death travels the world as an old woman, seeking out the old and the dying to put to final rest. Whenever Death pass through a town, there is a increase in life taking accidents, the number of deadly disease grows, and a sense of loomin despair follow her wherever she goes. Just being in her presence drains even the greatest of man of his strength and will to carry on. Death always weid her canonical scythe, and rides upon her pale horse Despair. She is the last of the horsemen, because she brings the final strokes of lives of those subjected to the other three.

"Who are you?" Zeus boomed. Athena who is awake now is immediately know who they are immediately cut in, in order to save her father from being killed from the three though she is confused why there are only three instead of the usual four.

"What brings you here milord and ladies?" She said while bowing which made the other gods and demigods to follow suite.

"Why do you not bow to us?" War asked the question directed to Artemis who remains standing. She raised her eyebrows and replied

"I dont bow to those who think they are above others."

"I knew it anyway to answer your question wisdom goddesses we are here to ask our sister to join us and giver her powers back." Conquest said.

"And who might she be?" Athena asked hopeful for the 'sister' to be her. Conquest pointed his finger towards Artemis. And said person looked surprise but quickly replace it with an emotionless mask and replied  with an 'ok' to which the horsemen chanted and soon enough the the cries of crows can be heard and shadows come closer to Artemis. And soon slowly her appearance changed. Her skin turn even paler and her hair turns black and her eyes turn black too. Looking at them will make you dispair and lose the will to live. She fall to her knees and panted.

"So i am death itself?" Artemis asks.

"No more like the right hand of him." War told her.

"So what do we do now?" 

"Hmm well do our duties i guess."

"Urgh more work."
With that Conquest laugh soom joined by the rest of the horsemen.

Time skip

Artemis POV
So here i am looking down at the world from my moon chariot just because i am a horsemen doesnt mean i dont have to my duties as a moon goddesses. I groaned. I wonder where percy is, i sighed and look at the stags that pull my chariot. I bet you that one of the horsemen is him. Life/Huntress said. How though surely if he is one of them he would have told me. What if he doesnt want to infront of others? Good point. Suddenly someone appeared out of thin air making me jumped.

"What do you want Conquest?" I asked.

"I cannot see my lover?"

He just hummed in reponse. My happiness quickly turned to anger than to longing. Damn my mood swings. I hugged him tightly. Like real tight.

"I might be a horsemen but i still need to breathe." He gasped out. I quickly release him and slapped him and kneed him in the groin.

"Ok i deserve that." He said. I kissed him with tears running down my face. He pulls away and cupped my fave with his hands while brushimg my tears away. Tears of happiness or sadness i dont know. So he stood there comforting me while i cry on his shoulder. Rubbing circles on my back.

"So i have a lover who walks to kingdoms and making them hand the crown to him?" I asked jokingly while wiping my tears away.

"Yep." He replied popping the 'p'. Making me smile that i have him back and that he is not cold to me like he is when i first saw him on Glory. He then pulled me into a kiss. My arms going around his neck and pulling him down deepening the kiss. But we were interuppted with a voice.

"Oh am i interuppting something?"


Ok some of you might be confused about Artemis being Death when she is Life. She is not Death itself as explained above. Huntress is life and Zephys or Percy's other part is Death it self so thought i might clear it up. I just realise something and that something is that most chapters end with a cliff hanger.😏

"I've always been afraid of losing people i love. Sometimes i wonder if there is anyone out there afraid of losing me"-Joel Osteen

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