Chapter 21: Lunch Date

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Chapter 21: Lunch Date

Anastasia's POV

I don't necessarily hate confrontations. It's like if you have done something, you have to confront it, be it good or bad. It doesn't really give you a peace of mind after that but confrontations do lead you to having satisfaction after facing the truth.

Which what exactly I thought until now. Okay maybe I was hyperventilating when I was going to meet Christian. But that was Christian and what harm would he do to me? Right?

The thing is I cannot say the same for Kate. Or mama Grey and papa Grey. Wait did I actually call them mama and papa?

"It looks like you are just going to pass out, Anastasia", Christian says smugly as he looks ahead and slams the accelerator to 100 miles/per hour.

"Well, on such short notice of meeting your parents and my former best friend, you should give me at least this much time to have a panic attack", comes my forced reply. How did I manage to speak these many words, is a secret because it seems like I can barely breathe.

He rolls his eyes and says, "Stop being dramatic."

"Oh really?! They are going to meet a person who left them without goodbyes and came back now with their granddaughter! If anything, i'm actually scared they'll lodge a complaint against me."

"Ana, stop panicking. They are still your in laws. And they are not monsters."

Well, that's true. It's just a confrontation right? Or a small "lunch date" in Christian's words.

It's been five days since the night of argument with my husband dear, note the sarcasm, and lets just say since then things are less likely to be broken around us. It's like a i'm seeing a whole new person. I still cannot fathom he played the marriage card to make me agree. Though I really don't know why I accepted his so called 'help'. Maybe because of Mila.. I really don't know. Maybe it were his words of not being a fighter.

He is also so nice with Mila, knows exactly what to speak at the right time. It seems like he was always a father material, he just never got in touch with that part.

Everything seemed fine until this morning. This beautiful Friday morning where I expected Christian to go to work and Mila and me would go for some shopping since she is starting her school in two weeks. Everything seemed perfect until he breaks the news we are going for a lunch with the Grey's.

Now the Grey's not only include his parents but my ex best friend who is also my sister in law and his husband. To top that, my other sister in law that is Mia and her husband who is supposedly my ex best friend's brother Ethan.

Holy cow i'm screwed, aren't I?

"Where are we going?", says Mila who was sleeping throughout the morning. She is currently strapped in the back seat, looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Hey munchkin', Good Morning", Christian says, his whole feature lighting up.

She gives a small smile and looks at me.

"Umm..", I start. What should I say?

"Munchkin', do you wanna meet your grandparents?", Christian fills in for me and I offer him a grateful gesture.

"But they are in Georgia", Mila says, confusion lanced in her voice.

"Not mommy's parents.. daddy's parents. Do you wanna meet em?", I say as Christian's smile disappears and a subtle frown settles on his face.

Mila nods enthusiastically and i'm grateful that she doesn't reprimand the idea.

"And you'll be having a friend to talk to there too", he says.

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