Chapter 1: Frisk: The Date

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A/N: i know what you are thinking.... that chara and frisk are going on a date (Based on the title) no.. it talks about the day that frisk fell in the underground..well  now you know.. :P, the point of views will always be displayed on the chapter title! enjoy :3 

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping annoyingly that made me get up and turn it off.  I stretched and yawned as I got in the shower, dried off, and got dressed. I walked downstairs as I saw Palette and Mr.Ink sitting in the living room.

"Uhh...Palette?, what are you doing here?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes 

"Isn't it obvious silly?" Palette snickered

" it national break into your house day..?" 

"Nope, guess again."

"National bother the humans day?"

"Not even close.."

"i don't know Sherlock!" 

"will you stop arguing like little kids?" said as he face palmed. "Today is the day you came to the underground.."

"Oh....what's so special about it...?" I asked as I scratched my head.

"The day you came and impacted the whole underground.." Ink said as he gave me a gift box

"T-Thank you..." i said as  i looked at the box and shaked it  to make sure that something was in it.

"Open it!" Palette said as he smiles and taps his feet seeming excited.

"ummm.....o-okay..." I said as I slowly opened the box. Inside of it was a  music box that played a beautiful melody (listen to the music displayed on the top of the screen).

"T-Thank you!" I said as I ran to and gave him a hug.

"Your welcome Frisk.." said as he smiled and hugged me back

"Group hug!" Palette said as he joined in on the hug.

"Where  did you find this..?" I said as I looked back down at the music box.

"I made it myself... it only took me about 4 weeks to make it.."

"Thank you so much" I said as I hugged him tight.

"Anytime Frisk.." said as he smiled more.

"oh yeah.... hey Frisk.." Palette said letting go of


"Chara told me to tell you to meet him around at the waterfalls...he has something or you."

"Oh! O-Okay..." I said as  I blushed a bit

"Why so flustered Frisk..?" Palette Snickered.

"Shush would be the same way if I was  talking about Goth..."

"Uhhh...that's not true.." Palette said as he looks away.

"Haha! stop avoiding the truth Palette.." I said as I snickered.

"Your embarrassing  Frisk...."

"Hehehe.." I giggled as I walked upstairs.

"I gotta got to get changed....Thank you for the present"

"Your Welcome kiddo.." said as he goes to the door.

"Were gonna go now..."

"have fun Frisk!" Palette said as him and and Palette walked out the door.

"Okay..." I said as I went to my room and opened my closet.

"ugh....what should i wear..." I said as I keep looking through my closet as I finally found a outfit to wear 

" I said as I keep looking through my closet as I finally found a outfit to wear 

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(the image above the outfit frisk is wearing)

I put on my outfit, went outside, and went on my way to the waterfalls.


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