Chapter 9:Frisk: Her Reality...

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A few weeks later and Alphys finally let me go home, it was great, I was getting tired of staying in the creepy labs, but at least the amalgamate kept me company, and people called me telling me to get better, and I was eating the same old potato chips from the lab, but at least on the bright side Alphys gave me some ramen and let me read manga and watch anime while I was recovering. I walked back home and everyone was happy to see me, I was happy to see them too.

But there was only one thing that was bothering me....if I use my powers...even for healing...I may not survive it anymore..... I'm scared....My powers can be used at any moment possible..... I always look down at my soul and see how cracked and damaged it was.... even if there was a dangerous situation...I can't do anything... I guess it is just how this life is....if I didn't have a power to come back and reset...I would be dead where I stand... Like any other human...they only live once...and experience their beautiful..or for only one is precious...but for me...I spill life like it's water going for a drain...and always coming back again... when mistakes are made...they can never be replaced....with me...I can take then away with a press of a button... but now....none of those things can be used....but it's not really shocking to me because that is how it should really be....

"Frisk!" yelled palette as I jolted a bit.. I never realized that I was staring in space for many many minutes..

"H-Huh..? oh..hey Palette...."

"Wanna go get nice cream with me..?"

"Yeah.." I said as I grabbed my jacket and went with Palette, Cil, And Pj to go and get some nice cream, Palette got an Oreo Blizzard, Cil got a strawberry ice cream, Pj got a chocolate mint, and I just got regular vanilla.. I should put all of m worries aside, and let my family and friends help me ease my stress....and I know that they will be by my matter what...


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