Dysphoria (Logan x Roman)

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TW:  Body Issues, Dysphoria, Eating disorder, and Angst



Logan's P.O.V.

Roman? Why do you like me? I'm ugly... Roman save me...Please...PLEASE!

-------Time Skip-----

Roman: Logan, Logan, Logan!

My phone went off but I didn't care to look until I heard my princes Ring Tone.

Logan: Roman?

Roman: Guess  WHAT??

Logan: Roman, please save me

Roman: What?

Logan: Please Roman!

Roman: Logan I will be at your house in 2 minutes

Logan: Please hurry

 I sat in my bed tears still staining my eyes; it burned so bad. I hated this, hated it! My body felt out of places and my hips, my waist, my body isn't mine... Save me, Roman, please!

No P.O.V.

Roman burst through the door to his Boyfriend room and ran over to his bed and scooped him up.

"Logan, you're beautiful, you're amazing! Don't listen to those thoughts!" Roman tried to snap Logan out of his thoughts, what he was hearing wasn't true and never will be.

"Roman*hic* I-i'm not beautiful..." Logan tried to continue but he couldn't, his throat was basically closed and could barely breathe. 

"Logan...Look at me." Roman lifted his nervous shaking Boyfriends chin. "You're Handsome and Amazing and I could never ask for anything more or anything less," Roman said leaning in to kiss the already breathless Logan; It was a short kiss, Logan needs air right now but he also needed that kiss.

"Ro-roman." Logan choked out.

"Yes, Muffin?" Roman ask.

"I'm happy I have you, I love you."

"I love you, too," Roman said pressing another short kiss to Logan's lips.

"I have a question...?" Roman said looking at his Rather light and skinny Boyfriend.

"Yes, Robin Hood?" Logan said while hugging Roman tighter.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Umm.............. 2 days ago...." Logan turned his head away so that he didn't have to see Romans reaction.

Logan's P.O.V.

I was scared, Roman hated when I didn't eat but... I don't know. Emotions are stupid I should feel fine in my body but I don't and it's all because of these dumb feelings and Emotions.

It had been a few seconds and Roman had not made a single sound; He had moved around a little but not a lot.

"Hello, I'd like to order one large cheese pizza and a home salad. Thank you."  Roman sounded monotone while speaking.

"What?" I said while looking up.

"I order a salad and a Pizza. Muffin you need to eat."

"Alright." I knew if I didn't agree he would pester me until I ate so I decided to just agree.


*Yawn* The endo, Salutations

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