Laser Tag (Roman x Patton)

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TW: Sexual actions mentioned

Backstory: Logan, Virgil, Patton, and Roman bunk together while they are attending college. And all become good friends.



No P.O.V.

Patton had been standing in the kitchen when he heard Romans loud voice yell,

"Oh, Patton! I have a question, would you like to go to laser tag with me? I think it would be fun to hang out!" Patton turned around in excitement.

'Would I?!" Patton squealed. Roman looked confused.

"Well yes, that's why I asked." Patton giggled and shook his head yes.

"Huzzah! We'll go on Friday evening." Roman said before he walked away, back to his room. As Patton turned back around continuing to make dinner for all the sides.


"So how did your talk with Patton go?" Logan said pushing up his glasses. Roman walked over and sat on the Logical traits bed. 

"It went well, we are going to go to laser tag on Friday. And I have the best plan!" Logan nodded showing Roman to the door.

"Since you do not need my help anymore I would ask you to leave. I have very important business to attend to." When Roman was gone, Logan went over to his closet and pulled out a jar of Logan's Berry crofters and began to eat. Of course, he would return to his work as soon as he finished.

                                                                           --Time Skip--

"Hey Roman, why didn't we invite the others? I bet they would have had loads of fun with us?" Roman took a deep breath and replied abruptly.

"Well, I wanted to spend time with Mr. Dad! The fun-loving father figment!" Roman smiled at Patton while managing to also keep his eyes on the road. As they pulled up to the laser tag arena Patton squealed with excitement. He could barely stay in his seat, and he tripped when attempted to exit the car but get right back up and ran to the door. Roman chased after him not wanting to lose him as soon as they got there.

"How many games?" The register girl asked.

"We would like to get the 1 game couples pack." Patton gave Roman a confused look but stayed silent.

"Since you are only two people, you will play with another group. Is that alright?" The register girl asked.

"Yes, thank you." Roman handed her his card to pay. Then sat down with Patton.

'Why did you get the couples pack? We aren't dating." Patton looked at him half laughing and half stressed.

"Well, it was just a bit cheaper that way, so I thought I would save a few dollars. Is that okay?" Patton nodded and got on his phone. Roman, on the other hand, was starting to get very nervous about what he had planned.

"GAME 48, IS STARTING NOW!" Roman and Patton both got up and walked over to the laser tag rink meeting their new laser tag buddies. The match began and they were given 10 seconds to run and hide. One hit and they were out but they were able to play more than one game, they had the rink for an hour. Romans main goal was to find Patton. So he searched hitting out targets as they appeared. Then he saw Patton up ahead peaking around the corner, so Roman took this chance.  He grabbed Patton's shoulder flipped him around and kissed him before he could even make a sound. Patton pointed his gun at Roman and shot it.

"I guess this means you'll be my boyfriend," Patton said giggling, "See you in the waiting room prince charming." Roman walked away flabbergasted. As soon as he got to the waiting room he called Logan and told him the news. Logan wasn't surprised, considering Patton had also told him he liked Roman. But Logan ended the conversation abruptly saying he had to attend to some issues with a certain Emo. Roman just sat there wondering what was gonna happen when the match was over but as the waiting room filled up Patton didn't appear. Roman just figured he'd gotten lost in the dark and was looking for the waiting room. But on the screen above the door, it said: "And the Winner is Mr. Patton Sanders!" Roman was very surprised, he was defiantly happy for him but when did Patton become so good at laser tag? Patton walked out laughing.

"That was fun, but I wanna go home. Roman, do you wanna go home?" All the others in the room held their breaths waiting for a yes; Patton had destroyed them, having a 4000 point gape from 2nd place.

"Sure Pat, if that's what you wish." The room's atmosphere cleared up as they walked out saying their thank you's and goodbyes.

*In the car*

"So Pat, I didn't know you could play laser tag so well..?" Patton giggled.

"Yeah, I used to play it all the time when I was little."

When they got home Logan congratulated them, while Virgil pulled up his hood as to hide the marks on his neck but eventually said his congrats.


Hopefully, you liked it. I haven't written in over a year. Salutations 

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