We Chillin'

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"So ill be there around 4."

I texted that to Desiree. Its been a few days since we exchanged numbers. She wanted me to come chill with her at her dorm.

She already told me I was looking like a stem at the mall, so I gotta get up my look. I don't gotta worry about my mom 'cuz she's at work until 11. I called up my bro Dion who lives down the street from me to borrow some of his clothes.


"Wassup nigger!! haha."

He laughed at my gesture "You picked ma cotton? Haha Wasgud nigga."

We had an insider about niggers and picking cotton while from 8th grade. In class last year, we had a fatass white teacher named Mr. Morrison. He was teaching us about the Atlantic triangular  trade and all the black people chimed in, saying this all they talk about when black people come up in history class. Shit he looked like he was in the Ku Klux. But, while he had his back turned, i ran up to the front and wrote on the board with the black marker "PICK MY COTTON! NIGGERS ARE THE MASTERS"

LMAO He never found out who did it. that fool just stood there and yelled at the class while everyone laughed at it. Then went back to his desk all depressed and shit like always (His wife was leaving him for a black man ironically).

"Yo Dion, can I come through and borrow some threads. I'm bout to go see this girl, 'n you know I gotta look fresh bruh."

"Man, Yea. You better bring my shit back too when you done."

This wasn't the first time I had to borrow some clothes form Dion. This dude was my friend for a reason. Straight up, nobody could touch his swag. He won best dressed in our class for superlatives. We was the only ones in our neighborhood who dressed like this. Everyone else had that 2000s white tee baggy fit look going on. Dion was into that Hipster Urban type shit, with a little bit of hood.

I grabbed his floral black t-shirt and had on my aero khaki cargo shorts with some black vans.

"This bitch better be bad for you to do all of this."

"SHE IS. Nigga... shes nineteen."

"Stop lyinnnnnnnn. You baggin nineteen year olds? The fuck?" He startedd cracking up.. he couldn't catch his breath for nothing to help him.

I just smiled, dapped him, and walked up a few blocks to the bus stop.

The bus got there quick! after a few minuites of me waiting. I got on the bus and paid the fare and sat towards the back on the right side. Everyone was going to UCF today, damn. The bus was crowded and by the time we were halfway to the campus, people were standing up to the little space they had in between.

I got off the bus and Desiree was there waiting in the parking lot. She told me she had this red Toyota Camry with silver spokes.

I entered the car, closed the door, and turned to her. She just starred at me.

"Hi?" I said to break the silence.

"... Hey. My bad. Damn, you look cute."

She drove to by her dorm, and parked on the third floor of the parking lot.

"You smoke?"

Damn.. I didn't wanna sound lame, but I didnt smoke either.

"Not really. You?"

"Yea, but not ciggoretts or no shit. on occasions I smoke weed."

"Oh yeah, me too."

 I had never smoked weed before, but I kind of wanted to try it. The potheads at school said it was right. Shit, she had some. Mine as well right?

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