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Dion and Naomi never came back to lunch after the whole thing with Gabriel getting in contact with Renee. I really am wondering what is going on with Dion. Gabriel was this kid in our neighborhood that me and Dion never really fucked with.

We played ball with him a couple of times and spanked some ass, but other than that he was just somebody we knew around the way.  I don’t have time to figure all of this out though, and I’m honestly tired of worrying about Dion. If he didn’t wanna be real, so be it.

Lunch was ending and Chasity and I caught eyes as we were leaving the cafeteria. Her eyes shifted down for a moment and she looked at me once we got about 5 feet close to each other.

“I’ll just see you after school?”

“That’s cool. You good?” It looked like something was bothering her.

“Yea, thanks for asking. Just meet me out by the track after school.” She said as she put her arm around her neck as she looked like she was in deep concentration and walked towards the art room.

I went to my Spanish class, and really wasn’t looking forward to being bored to death for an hour and a half. I walked in and took a seat all the way in the back so if I wanted to fall asleep, it wouldn’t be so visible. I hated this woman’s interactive answer my question ass.

We went over pages 2-10 in the Spanish book today, and it wasn’t hard stuff at all. I figured while I’m in here, I mine as well get a grade for the stuff I already knew. She had us do page 7’s worksheet and turn it in by the end of the class.

I felt my back pocket vibrate while I was working on the answer to ‘house translation: casa’, and discreetly pulled my cell phone to the desk and placed it under page 5 and 6 to look at it. It was Nae texting me.

“Is there any way you can come to B lunch?”

“Say no more.”

I was so ready to dip out of this boring class! I went ahead and quicky finished the rest of the answers, glancing to the glossary as my aid in this turbulent time. Placing the paper to the stack that was made up front at the table, I grabbed the hall pass and left.

I walked up towards the back of the breezeway to the Cafeteria and saw Renee standing outside of one of the doors. I walked over her and thanked her for getting me out of my Spanish class as she giggled and said,

“You’re silly. We’re on a mission right now though.”

“What kind of mission Sergeant?” I said while giggling to her military family status.

“To find out what is going on with your friend Dion. It doesn’t concern you that some guy you know and I don’t randomly texts me like that?!”

“That actually kind of freaked me out a little. I don’t even fuck with Gabe.”

“EXACTLY. So I say, let’s go find your friend and see what this is all about.”


“Well, what?”

“I already asked him about everything because he’s been acting weird lately. He told me it wasn’t nothin’.... So if we BOTH confront him, what makes you think you’ll get answers?”

“OH TRUST ME, I’ll get answers. Where’s that girl he walked off with?”

“Honestly not sure what class Naomi has right now…”

Renee indicated for me to come with her into the cafeteria as I followed her lead. She was determined to figure out how Gabriel got her number.

“Does anyone in here know her?”

The Lesbian Stud Hand Guide: Shay JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now