We Miss You Shay! (Pt 2)

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I heard commotion coming from the hallways. I was trying to actually finish up this paper that’s due to Charles tomorrow. It’s due for me on Thursday because we have to fax it over to my principal, so Charles will get it.

I hurried up and finished my conclusion; It was about the ending of the book To Kill a Mockingbird. What did she mean by looking in someone else’s shoes and understanding their walk of life? Easy ass question. They just want you to put all these details and crap though.

I hurried my way over to the gymnasium. They had a small ass gym, about half the size of Maynard’s. But I guess it was because they didn’t have that many students.

I dressed out and they didn’t have roll or nothing like that. You could play four square, basketball, and the girls that were here they were sitting on the benches. There was a few girls in here that were pregnant, so they definitely need to sit down.

They looked all full through with a 5 on 5, so that was a no-go. I don’t like fucking with niggas I don’t know shit about. I saw that one dude that pushed me down yesterday playing, so I said fuck it.

So I walked over to the benches where a couple of guys was sitting with a group of females, and walked over the benches to the fifth row, just behind everybody.

“Dykes get added in this school everyday.” This one dude with dreads said sitting over with these other tore up hoes.

“But naw, she’s a cute one, damn.” One of the pregnant girls said. I wasn’t trying to be mean but I felt my face frowning up like ‘what the fuck bitch, aren’t you pregnant?’

But I controlled myself and just said “thanks.”

I was so ready to go back to Maynard. I missed my friends.

“What’s your name?” Another one of those ugly girls chimed in to say.


“Oh HI SHAY! I wanna sit by her!” This ghetto looking black bitch scooted up the bleaches and sat right next to me.

“Uh, Hey.” As she grabbed my right arm and locked her self in and leaned on my shoulder.

I wanted to roll my eyes and be like please girl, get off of me. Just some ugly ass thots, I just wanted some conversation since this school was so damn boring.

“What school you went to? You look too good to be going here.”

“I go to Maynard. I just got suspended but I got in a fight so they makin’ me go here until the end of the week.”

“DAMN! All the cute ones got to leave.”

“Shay, you going to be my girlfriend?” This ugly ghetto girl sitting beside me asked.

“Nah I have one.”

“Well she ain’t got to know…” As she leaned in her big ass lips and they almost touched mine as I backed away.

I ripped her off of me while scooting away to the aisle to go down the bleachers.

“Nice meeting yall…”

I heard the other girl say, “Damn Lisha, YOU SCARED THE GIRL AWAY!”


I just started walking around the gym, when I noticed form the corner of my eye I saw something. I turned my head to the left and saw on the other side to the right top corner of the bleachers, this girl sitting there and writing in this composition book.

The Lesbian Stud Hand Guide: Shay Jacksonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن