100 Problems ('Cuz a Bitch Is One)

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After running out of the bathroom after quickly putting on my boxer briefs and sports bra, I rushed to grab out of my closet this white shirt that had the numbers ’99. The graphic was colored with blue tribal designs inside the numbers and yellow outlining around them. That was my birth year. I matched that with some green Camo cargos and my white and yellow Air Max’s. 

My birthday was later on this month, November 20th. I was going to be 15. I wasn’t too sure what I was going to do for my birthday. Oh well, I got a little while longer to figure it out.


“YEAH MA!” I yelled back to her in response. I know I was running late, it was 7:47. I ran into the bathroom after grabbing my left shoe and putting it on as I walked in, not to waste any more time. I grabbed my toothbrush and pasted some Colgate on the bristles and began to brush sideways to clean my teeth.

“Why you wake up so late?” My mom walked in to say.

“I woke up, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.” As I continued to brush, going through to clean my tongue.

“Set an alarm, don’t you have your—“

“I ‘ust say tit wus in ACCIDET!!!” I mumbled out of my mouth, eyes widened, filled with toothpaste and spit. I know she was going to go on and on, rambling about her crap.

She breathed heavily and stopped as I spat out, having a fresh mouth and rinsing out the residue from the sink.

I walked out of the bathroom, hurrying my way halfway across her room as my mom stopped me with her serious tone, “Shay.”

I turned around, hesitant, but still with a pep in my legs for trying to be on time.

“…I was going to give this to you for your birthday, but I see you need some more jewelry to wear.”

She walked over to her dresser, and pulled out of her jewelry box a silver chain linked necklace, about 15 inches or so.

“You can wear it today if you want. I don’t know, I tried to get something you would like.” Seeing my mom try to please me with something I liked to wear really meant a lot to me.

“Thanks ma.” I gave her the biggest hug with a smile on my face. I can’t remember the last time we actually did this. I mean, it wasn’t even the fact that she gave me something; it’s just the thought behind what she gave me. The fact that it wasn’t something girly, but she took the time to get me something that I would actually like. I walked over to her and gave her a hug to show my gratitude.

My mom would always try to dress me up in little dresses going to church, and then in elementary school and in most of middle school have me dress semi-girly until it got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore. My tomboyness always shined out anwyays, and most people always thought I was gay, so it didn’t really matter.

My mom ended up giving me a ride to school so I wouldn’t be late walking there.

“Have a good day Shay. Love you.” She said as I walked out of the car.

“Love you too mom. Thanks.”

I hope our relationship was going to get better from here and she was going to start understanding me more.

I closed the door and returned back to Maynard Evans. IT FELT SO GOOD!

I get to see my baby; I haven’t seen her since we were in ISSP last week. My friends, I missed them too. I walked into the front doors, ecstatic, feeling like it was the first day of school again or something.

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