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*30 mins after they said goodnight*
*private chat between Normani and Camila

Normani: ay yo Mila!

Camila: yes?

Normani: I'm at Starbucks what do you want?

Camila: Awww Mani!💕💕💕

Normani: yeah yeah, I'm awesome. Now the fuck you want?

Camila: you😏

Camila: lol! I laughed at my own joke, but get me the unicorn thing

Normani: lmao I missed you

Normani: where the f are you?

Camila: I'm in the hotel by the stake n shake we used to go too.

Normani: I'll be there in 5!

Camila is sitting in her room looking at the ceiling. She quickly texts Normani telling her to put a hoodie on and something that wouldn't be so recognizable. She also tells her the floor and room number.
5 mins later a knock was a Camila's door, she hurried over to the door and opened it. There stood Normani with two coffees in her hand and a bag. Camila invited her in and waited for her to put the stuff down before running into her arms.
"Mani, oh my god I missed you so much!" She says.
"I missed you too Mila." Normani said spinning her around. "This last year has been crazy without you." She finishes, then puts Camila down.
"It feels like forever! I wanted t text you guys and congratulate you on everything but you guys blocked me." Camila said
"You know we didn't have a choice. We wanted to do the same for you. Girl we were the only ones there for us, for 4 1/2 years. I don't know about to anyone else but for me and the others we can never just forget about those years. The laughs, the tears, the breathless moments, the moments where you feel on top of the world. That can never be forgotten." Normani pauses and slowly tears up. "Mila you did so much for us. We never got to thank you. So thank you, thank you so much for always being there for us."
Camila starts to tear up too and quickly pulls Normani into a hug. "Don't ever say that again, because it sounds like your saying goodbye and I never want to lose you guys again." They pull away from the hug. Normani is speechless and just smiles.
"Now let's catch up on what we missed." Camila says.

The next morning Camila wakes up to see Normani fast asleep on the other side of the bed. They had spent the rest of the night catching up with each other and ended up falling sleep, watching season 2 of the X-factor.
Camila rolled over and checked her phone. She had over 100 texts about someone going to her hotel room.

*5h group chat*


Ally: What happened??!

Lauren: Camzi, baby what happened

Dinah: B AB Y

Ally: B

Ally: A



Dinah: lolll!!! Who do I need to give a poly beat down though?!!?!

Camila: alright so you know that Normani and me are in LA right??

Lauren: yeah?

Camila: well she came over last night to bring me Starbucks and we accidentally passed out watching TV

Ally: sooo???

Camila: so the paparazzi I guess saw her walk in or something but now they know she is still here and they are surrounding the building!!

Lauren: god damnit!

Camila: what should I do?? I leave for my flight in 2 hours

Ally: Keep Normani in your room until you leave. She can find her own way home.

Camila: why didn't I think of that??? Thanks smallz!

Ally: I swear.....

Camila: you think it would be impossible for me to go outside to get food for Mani and I?

Dinah: try it!!!

Lauren: be careful camzi

Camila: I will!

Dinah: it's been over a year and your still whipped af

Lauren: you're*

Dinah: Lauren I swear to god


Lauren: don't*


Lauren: yes mom

Camila: imma go get food. Dinah text me What Normani likes from Blu Jam Cafe.

Dinah: okay walz

*two minutes later*


Ally: how are we every gonna hang out when Camila gets harassed when a person in a hoodie comes over.

Dinah: wait.... where's my favorite hoodie


Normani: I plead the fifth!!!!

Lauren: good morning Mani, welcome to the party

Normani: HOLY SHIT! That's a lot of people outside. What did I miss???

Ally: read the messages

Normani:'well shit

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