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Normani's POV

Dinah didn't say anything, she just moved closer to me and put her arm around me. I started to cry quietly, my mind was racing and I couldn't really think straight.

"Mani, talk to me to me please. I don't care who you like. I'll always be here for you."she says.  I stay quiet it for a minute as I start to regain control.

"it's late we should get some sleep." I tell her ending the conversation.

"Okay, please come to me if you need anything ." Dinah says standing up. I could tell she was hurt for me pushing her out but she understands at the same time.

We walk quietly upstairs to our own rooms Dinah did a small smile and said goodnight before heading into her room. After her door shut I headed into my room and threw myself onto my bed. Why was this so difficult? I want to let Dinah in and tell her everything on my mind but me liking this girl was the only thing I couldn't talk about. I would let Dinah in any other time but I just can't about this...

I curled up under the covers but it didn't feel the same, even though I was pushing Dinah out I needed her close. I just wanted to be around her, she always made me feel safe. I got up from my bed and tiptoed out of my room.

I headed over to Dinah's room and sightly opened up the door. I could see Dinah's figure curled up on the bed facing away from me. Without saying anything I walked into her room and laid in bed with her. Dinah turned around and held her arms out for me. I curled up into her arms and I finally felt safe.

Lauren's POV

I was awoken to the amazing aroma of bacon. I opened my eyes and smiled, not only because the smell of bacon was amazing but because I had Camila curled up next to me. Her head was on my chest and her arm draped over my stomach. She look so cute and so peaceful.

As much as I could just lay here cuddled up with Camila.... I really wanted that bacon. I carefully moved her arm that was off my stomach and move slowly so her head fell onto the bed. However, as soon as I moved off the bed Camila started to whine.

"No come backkkk." she says still have asleep.

"I'm just getting some food."

"But cuddles."

"But bacon."

"Bacon?" she asks a little more awake and now with her eyes open.

"Yes, bacon."

"Fine go, get me some bacon and then come back." She says cuddling back into the pillows and blankets. I smiled and shook my head at her before heading out of the room.

Once I got downstairs I found Dinah cooking bacon and making waffles. She was wearing super short shorts and a hoodie that said "Kordei" on the back. She had headphones in and was dancing to some song. She was too engrossed in what she was doing to notice me behind her. Once she turned around to grab something she saw me and jumped.

"What the hell Lauren. You scared me!" Dinah says rolling her eyes and keeping her hand over her heart.

"I'm sorry." I say laughing.

"I guessing you've come to steal my bacon?" She asks turning back to the bacon.

"Maybe." I say as I watch her take the bacon off the skillet and onto a paper plate with two waffles already on it.

"Lucky for you I made extra for everyone."

She handed me the plate and smiled. 

"Go feed your girl and I'll feed mine and Ally."  She tells me handing me the syrup and 2 forks.

I smiled to her and turned back to head back upstairs.

When I got back into the room Camila was cuddled tightly around a pillow and was snoring very slightly.

I walked towards the bed and put down the stuff on the nightstand.

"Camzzzz" I said trying to wake her up.


"Mhmmmm."  Camila whines still half asleep.

"I got bacon."

"Bacon?" She asks quietly again.

"Yes now get up before I eat it."

"Fine I'm up." Camila says moving around a little bit.

She finally sat up and I sat down next to next to her and grabbed the plate.

"Can we nap together after this?"

"Camila you just woke up."

"And you're point is?" She asks taking a bite of bacon.

I just roll my eyes at her and smile, remembering last night. Camila had told me to stay and we talked a little bit about nothing before cuddling up and she fell asleep. I stayed up a little bit longer to think about where to take her out on a date.

It was going to be a good day


It's tiny but hi. I'm not dead. Still stressed and gay tho.

I also have band camp and like please save me😂

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