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Sooooo this is about to change everything.... enjoy!

Somewhere in Canada....

A teenage boy walks into the room and looks at the younger girl who hasn't noticed his presence since she was so focus on the computer screen in front of her.

"Gabby!" The boy called out to her making her jump and jerk her head towards the older boy.

"Jaxon what the fuck. Have you ever heard of knocking?" Gabby asked angrily.

"Yeah but that's no fun." He said laughing. Gabby just rolled her eyes and looked back at the screen.

"Who are you hacking?" The black hair boy asked looking over her shoulder.

"Just some random Taylor Swift fan account. I'm just testing some things."

"Oh cool." The boy says standing up and heading towards the door. "I'm going out to grab food. You want anything?"

"Nah just get me some coffee." The girl says stopping and turning towards the boy.


Once the boy leaves Gabby turns back to her computer and finishing up hacking into the account. She smiles happily to herself as she logs into the account. Hacking was her favorite thing to do. Not a lot of people could do it and for her to be okay at it made it super happy.

"Lolo! I'm so sorry!" Camila yells while laughing and sprinting to the door. She ran to the door and couldn't open it because of the adrenaline rush. She heard the footsteps stomping down the steps towards her. Finally she opened up the door and ran off the deck and towards the woods.

"Camz!!" Lauren screamed to the girl running. Camila turned around to see a soaking wet Lauren standing in the door way. Camila giggled to herself before walking towards the tree line. She knew Lauren was coming but she wouldn't do anything to her. She sat against a tree and after a little bit heard footsteps coming towards her. The sound made it obvious that Lauren was being cautious and looking for the girl. Finally Lauren looked over and saw Camila looking back at her. She gave Camila a smile before walking over to her. Once she got close she held out her arms like she wanted a hug. Camila, forgetting Lauren was wet, happily jumped up and hugged her tightly.

"I forgot you're wet!" Camila said trying to pull away from the older girl but Lauren wasn't having it. She held tightly onto Camila and walked her backwards into the tree that Camila was just sat against.

"Lolo let me go." Camila whined, still trying to get out of Lauren's grip. No matter how has she tried, Lauren's hands stayed tightly against her waist. Finally Camila had the idea to pry Lauren's hands off of her but as soon as Lauren realized what she was about to do, she grabbed her wrist. She put the smaller girls arms to her side and pushed her closer against the tree. The small groan of annoyance gave Lauren an idea.

Lauren pushed up against Camila more and put her head in the crook of her neck. Camila's mood completely changed and her breathing hitched for a second. Lauren hadn't even done anything but just the feeling of Lauren's breath and mouth against her neck drove her tiny bit insane.

"I got you." Lauren husked into her ear.

"N-..no you don't" Camila stated giving one last attempt to wiggle free.

"No you're not going any where. You're mine." Lauren said planting a kiss on Camila's neck.  "Plus you gotta pay for making me wet."

Camila melted into Lauren as Lauren started to kiss her neck more. "Laureennnn." Camila whined.

"Yes Camz?" Lauren asked right before she nipped at Camila's neck.

"If you're gonna do something do it now and stop teasing."

"But teasing you is so much fun." Lauren says moving her leg in between Camila's and applying only a little bit of pleasure. Camila moans and Lauren moves her away from her neck and looks at Camila. Finally Lauren starts to move in for a kiss and Camila excitingly moves in as well. It's so slow and so passionate Camila doesn't know if she will ever get used to kissing Lauren. She sighs into the kiss before slowly pulling away. She opens her eyes to Lauren smiling like she just won a million dollars but the cute smile soon turned into a devilish grin. Before Camil could question it Lauren started to tickle her sides.

"Laurennnnnnnnn." Camila said laughing and squirming.

"That's what you get Camz." Lauren said still tickling her.

"You like when I make you wet!" Camila was able to say in on breath.

"Not this kind of wet!"

"I'm- I'm sorry!"

"Fine! Not like I can stay mad at you anyways." Lauren says moving away from Camila and turning to walk back towards the house.

Watched her and checking her out as she walked away. Camila smiled to herself as she realizes there is no place she rather be. She was ready to ask out Lauren.

Camila followed Lauren inside the house and sat on the couch. The past 2 days were amazing for her as she and the girls were all staying with each other for the next 10 days.  She also couldn't believe it has been over a week since the BBMA's, it was an amazing night for her and she wishes she could go back and relive it.

She happily sighs to herself as she lies on the couch and listen to Lauren humming in the other room.

Sooo like I'm back but not really. People have been asking for an update and this is all I have😕  me leaving for 3 months was an awful idea because I totally forgot where I wanna take this story. I'm changing it once again so bare with me because I'm going to have to do a couple of weird things to make it fit on how I want it.

I try and write as much as I can but I've been having writers block and I have school.. which has been kicking my ass🙄

Anyways thank you all for waiting and I know this is probably not want you guys have been waiting for but I tried and I have an idea on what I'm going to do with this story ❤️

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