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Camila POV

it's was now 10 o'clock at night and I was so bored. This morning I got up early to say goodbye to Lauren then quickly went back to bed and crashed. I didn't do much through. I just kinda got lost in my music and thoughts.

Lauren came home sometime in the afternoon and I was a little worried about her. She just seemed over all upset but also from the way she was acting I understood that she didn't want to talk about it. My overprotectiveness was starting to kick and I began to think of the worst. I finally came to the conclusion that I would just have Lauren and I do something fun but I wouldn't ask why she was upset. I got out of my silk sheet bed and head headed down the hallway towards Lauren's room. The room was slightly cracked and I could see Lauren sitting at her desk in her computer.

"Lauren." I called out to her. I got no response and she kept typing on her computer. I push the door open slight making it creek before silently walking up behind Lauren. When I got close I realized she had headphones in and was probably blasting music. I looked over her shoulder to see what she was up to. She was on google docs typing away. Even though I was curious on what had her so focused I decided not to read as she typed and instead went back to look her face as she typed. The older girl than stopped and sighed before grabbing a glass and drinking out of it. I backed up a little bit away just to make sure I didn't get caught

No ones POV

Camila found herself staring at Lauren and burning a mental image of her. Something about how the brightness on the screen hit the girl in the low brightness of the room that surrounded the two, left her memorized. Finally finding her composure again she tried to silently walk back out of Lauren's.

Key word tried.

Camila ended up turning around and tripping over Lauren's laundry basket. Lauren spun around at the sound of Camila the ground and she instantly started smiling.

"You okay Camz?" Lauren asks softly giggling.

"Y-yeah I'm fine..." she responds getting up.

"What bring you to my domain?" Lauren asks putting her headphones down and then turns back to Camila.

"Well I was going to ask if you wanted to do something but I see that your busy soo...."

"Camila I'm never too busy for you."

Camila feels herself smile that special smile that only Lauren gets to see. She always felt herself blush but she tried her hardest to hid it from Lauren. "Lauren seriously if you're busy I don't want to keep you."

"What do you want to do?" Lauren asks standing up and standing the laundry basket, that Camila had tripped over, back up.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Anything for you." Lauren said walking out of the room. Camila quickly followed Lauren into the living room. Lauren impeded onto the couch and turned on the TV.

"Pick a movie." Lauren tells Camila.

"What wouldn't you mind watching?"

"Mhmmm I don't know. Let's watch a horror movie." Lauren says with a smirk. She knew that Camila doesn't like them but she wanted to test her. Camila always does what Lauren tells her to. After hearing what Lauren had in mind to watch, Camila froze for a second.

"Alright." Camila says unsurely.

Camila puts in a horror movie before walking back over to the couch and sitting a fair amount of distance away from the other girl. Lauren laughed at herself as she saw the defeat in the smaller girl's eyes.

To Lauren the movie was nothing but Lauren could see Camila was struggling to keep her composure.

"Camila." Lauren says breaking the silence.

"Y-yeah?" Camila asks shaken up by the movie.

"Come here." Lauren commands opening up her arms for the other girl. Camila thought for a minute before jumping over to Lauren's side and wrapping her arms onto the sides of Lauren. Protectively Lauren wrapped her right arm around Camila. Another scary scene came on and Camila put her face into the crook of Lauren's neck. Since Lauren's hair was pushed to the other side she could feel the smaller girl's warm breath on her neck. Lauren reacted by pulling Camila closer, making the smaller girl's lips brush up against Lauren's neck. The feeling of Camila's soft lips gave Lauren goosebumps and a chill down her spine. This didn't go unnoticed by Camila.

"You okay?" Camila asked in Lauren's ear. By this point the had both forgot about the movie and were both more invested with the other girl.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Lauren fires back playfully.

"Well I beat you too it." Camila says pulling away so that her face was inches from Lauren's. Both girls' hearts were racing but they both did their best to hid it and continue the conversation at hand.

"Fine then. Yes I'm okay but what about you, princess." Lauren says. Camila smiled at the new name Lauren called her.

"I'm great." Camila says. They both smile at each other. It seemed innocent, it was just a smile right?

However, the smile they gave each other was different than anyone else has seen. No one got to see this smile, it only reserved for the other girl. No boyfriend (or Lucy) could make either one of these girls smile such a love-filled smile.

The cute moment was ruined as one of the characters in the movie screamed, causing Camila to put her head back into the crook of Lauren's neck.

"Camila. It's just a movie."

"I know but I still freaks me out. Like I just image myself as the character going through everything and it worries me."

"Camz I'm never going to let anything happen to you. You know this." Lauren says playing with Camila's hair.

"Thanks Lolo." Camila says.

"Welcome babe." Lauren says innocently.

Camila then started to cling on to Lauren and accidentally tickled her.

"You're ticklish?" Camila asks tickling Lauren.

"Y-y.... yes! Please! Sss stopppp!" Lauren says laughing and trying to get the girl to stop. Camila quickly got up and straddled Lauren so she had a better advantage. She grabbed both of the older girl's hands and pinned them about her head. She used one hand to keep Lauren's hands together and the other to tickle her.

"Say Uncle!" Camila says.


Finally after a couple of tries, Lauren was able to break out of Camila's grip. She quickly grabs the smaller girl's hands and moves her so her back is facing towards the rest of the couch. Lauren then push Camila down and pinned her arms above her head.

Lauren look to see Camila's eyes filled with hunger. Both of their breaths were heavy, for different reasons though. Lauren's breath was heavy from the tickle attack. While Camila's was because of how Lauren was and the a indescribable desire to kiss her.

"This girl is going to be the end of me." Camila thought to herself.

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