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Camila's POV

I looked at my phone once again to see that Taylor had texted me. I had almost forgot about the tour! I had gotten so caught up with Lauren and family, I forgot that I'm leaving in 2 days.  I also came down here for business and not just to hangout with Lauren.

I got out of bed and headed down stairs to tell Lauren about me leaving for Taylor's later. Once I got to the kitchen I was blinded by on of the best views ever. Lauren stood hovering over the stove wearing super short athletic shorts and a tank top. She turned around and laughed.

"Like what you see?" Lauren asks really flirtatiously.

"I would be lying if I said no." I say just as flirtatious. We both giggled at each other and Lauren turned around and went back to making the omelettes.

"Hey Lauren. I have to go out with Taylor today to get ready for the tour."

"Oh cool..." she replies trailing off.

"So about last night..." I throw out there.

Lauren takes the omelette and puts onto the plate next to the shove. She turns around after turning off the stove and looks at me with a sad smile.

"What are we going to do?" I ask seriously.

"Well answer this. Do you like me?" Lauren asks.

I paused for a moment. Lauren was such a sweet and caring girl. She was there for me through it all and always had my back. She made me feel a certain way that no one else has made me feel. The thought of her kissing Ty, or anyone else but me, made me feel uneasy.

"Yes." I say shyly.

"Camila we have boyfriends."

"I know."

We stood there for a while in complete silence. I stared at the ground thinking, just as I was about to say something the door bell rang.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck" Lauren says.


"I told Ty you were saying with me and he freaked out. I said that you were leaving and I texted him this morning saying that you were leaving. That's probably him and if he finds you here he'll expose all of us." Lauren says frightened.

It wasn't that we didn't want the fans to know that we were friends, it the management that couldn't know. It's always about the money and the more they kept secret the more interviews would try and get information out. It's hard to describe but everyone wants to know what actually happened, some people would do anything to figure out what happened.

The fans go crazy about it, it's was like the Camren thing. Camren not ever being confirmed or denied made the internet go crazy. So many fanfics were written, pictures drawn, and even some crazy ass theories were made.

My thoughts were interrupted by huge knocks on the door.

"Camila hide."

So I did what an brave banana could do..... I hid in the motherfucking closet. Lauren's closet was a walk in closet with a high shelf going around it. I somehow managed to climb on top of the shelf and got behind some cloths. I felt like I was hiding from Satan of something because of the way my heart was beating. I tried to relax myself as I heard Lauren and a deeper voice that I guess was ty talking.

"Where..!" Ty said. Due to the thick walls and the fact they weren't really yelling the words weren't always clear.

"....... gone." Lauren says

It went silent the all of a sudden I heard two footsteps running into Lauren's room.

"Is she really gone?" He asks angrily.

"Yes! Oh my god Ty, this is ridiculous! I'm not cheating or anything like that. Why can't I have her over?"

"Because she wants you Lauren! Have you not seen her in old interviews? The girl stares at you 24/7 like you are the love of her life. She checks you out when aren't paying attention, she listens to your words like they are the most important things ever."

"But she can control herself! If she likes me she doesn't do anything."

"How can someone keep their hands off you? Baby I love your body. You make asexuals start questioning their sexuality."

"Stop acting like you know something about the LGBTQ community!  And IF Camila likes me it's because of personality and not my body!" Lauren says pissed.

One thing people should know is that you don't fuck around with sexualities. Lauren will protect her community at all costs.

"Are you accusing me of only loving you for your body?" Ty asks trying to sound hurt.


"Then shut the fuck up Lauren!"


"I said shut up. This isn't a game. Camila was trying to get between us, you won't let me hangout with other girls so I'm not going to let you hangout with Camila. You are lucky I won't tell management about this." 

"Okay but she is gone so now what?" Lauren says calmly.

Without replying Ty came into the closet.

"It would be ironic wouldn't it? To have her in the closet." He says seeming digging through the clothing.

My heart started to race again. What would happen when he found me? Yes I like Lauren but I don't want to ruin her relationship. We needed to talk about our feelings before we should do anything.

"Ty just leave, you have done enough."

"Done enough?! I didn't even do anything!"

"Really? So busting through my door and looking around my apartment because Camila may be over is nothing?"


"Get out! I'm sick of this."

"Did you just tell me to get out?" He asks

"Ye-" before she could finish a loud slap shut her up.

"I'll leave when I want to." He says walking off.

Lauren stayed completely still, I could hear her heavy breathing but that was it. Soon a loud sound of a door slamming could be heard from the other room. It was quite now with only the sniffling of Lauren. I made sure Ty was truly gone before slowly making my way down to the ground.

Once I got to the bottom, a fragile girl sat curled up into a ball.

"Lauren...." I start but I really don't know what to say. I was obviously pissed but I wasn't going to rant or anything yet because Lauren was my main concern.

She didn't look up but instead she reach out her arms as if she was inviting me in. I ran up to her and hugged her, it was an awkward angle but she need a shoulder to cry on.

After a minute I couldn't deal with this angle so I put an arm under her legs and my other on her back. Carefully I picked up the girl and carried her bridal style to her bed. I laid her on her bed and I laid down next to her. She instantly grabbed onto my and pulled me close. Her grin tight, as to say she was scared of letting go.

There was nothing I could do but sit here and hold her......



Ughh this took forever to write. I don't even think it's good.

Also your bitch (me duh) is finally turning 15 on Wednesday😂

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