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They just stayed like that, unsure of what to do. They both had the urge to kiss the other but they both fought it. A loud knock on the door broke the tension between them.

However, neither of the girls really pulled away. Instead Lauren leaned down and planted a kiss on Camila's cheek. They both blushed as Lauren got up to go see who was at the door.

Camila sat on the couch unsatisfied that Lauren had only kissed her cheek. She thought about how even after everything and after a year of seeing the other girl, Camila still really liked Lauren. Camila was pulled out of her thoughts when Lauren finally opened the door and spoke to the person outside.

"Ty?" Lauren said.

"Hey baby can we talk?" Ty asked.

Lauren looked back towards the living room before nodding her head and walking out of
the apartment.

"What is it?" Lauren asked trying to hid the annoyance in her voice.

"Who else is in there?" He asks angrily.

"What do you mean?"

Instead of replying he roughly pushed Lauren against the wall.

"I asked about who is in your apartment." 

His breath was heavy with alcohol once again. The thing about him was that he was a good guy. He just didn't care about what really what people thought of him and that's what got Lauren interesting. She loved him and he was sweet and kind to her.

Lately, though he has been dealing with depression. Which everyone has had a time in life where you hit your breaking point. Some commit suicide, turn to drugs, alcohol, crime, or there are some who go quiet and kind of keep them to themselves. Well that's all the ways Lauren has experienced it, she knew that there are other ways of dealing with it like therapy but she never really knew the other ways.

Ty has however turned to alcohol to help keep the the sadness away. It used to be just weed, which is how Lauren got into doing it. Now that the weed isn't working, so he started to drink more and more, which caused him to be more violent. Lauren never really accused or considered him an abuse boyfriend but times like this he was just down right scary.

"Camila." Lauren said in a whisper.

Lauren looked up to met two anger filled eyes staring right into her soul. He punched the wall next to her which caused her to jump in fear.

"Camila fucking Cabello? Fucking Cabello! Really Lauren? Really? That slut only came into between me and you and you're really letting her back in?? God do you have a brain?!" He rants gritting his teeth.

"She.... she is leaving tomorrow." Lauren says hoping that her boyfriend would calm down.

"If she is here tomorrow you'll be sorry." He says. He looks at his worried girlfriend for a minute before kissing her on the cheek and leaving.

No it was normal but it was Lauren's life and she felt like there was nothing she could do.

She defeatedly walked back into the apartment and tried to her hardest to make sure the tears didn't fall. When she sat next to Camila, who was still sitting on the couch, she felt the girl's eyes on her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Can we not?" Lauren asked weakly. She hadn't really processed everything but she knew she would have to tell Camila tomorrow morning.

"Okay. Do you want to do something or go to sleep?" Camila asked carefully, making sure she didn't cross a line.

"Let's finish the horror movie." Lauren said.
Even though she wanted nothing more than to cry in a corner, she also wanted nothing more than to spend time with her old friend. Lauren became so lost in her thoughts that she couldn't even focus on the movie. She tried so hard to fight it but soon a tear fell down her cheek with a small sob.

Camila was watching the movie intently trying to figure out everything when she heard the small sob escape the other girl's mouth. She looked over to see Lauren with a small tear rolling down her face.

"Come here." Camila said holding out her arms, mimicking what Lauren had done early Lauren instantly jumped in her arms and started to cry.

"I....I..." Lauren tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out.

"Shh baby. It's okay, you don't have to speak." Camila said playing with Lauren's hair. At this point neither of them noticed the old nicknames being said.

"But.. But. You deserve to know." Lauren said in one breath.

"You can tell me later. Calm down first and then we can talk." Camila answered still playing with Lauren's hair. She wanted answers but knew that Lauren wasn't ready to say what it was. Camila's head raced with possibilities of what could have happened. All she knew is that Ty was the one who was talking to Lauren right before she fell apart.

"Just breath Lauren."

Lauren tried to steadied her breath but she failed and started to shake a little bit. Camila noticed this and slowly bent down and kissed the girl on the forehead. Once Camila's lips hit Lauren's forehead, Lauren's breath calm down and the shaking stopped.

They laid like like that for a while, the movie had been over for a while but they still laid in silence. Once more Camila leaned down and kiss Lauren softly on the forehead.

At the feel of her lips Lauren jumped up so they were face to face. It was Lauren who couldn't take it anymore and planted a small kiss on Camila's mouth.

Lauren pulled away before Camila could even react.

"I'm so so-" Lauren tried to apologize but was interrupted by Camila's lips on hers. Lauren's whole body felt like it was on fire. She knew she shouldn't be kissing her but her heart was telling her to keep going.

Eventually, air became a problem and both girls had to separate.

"Don't say sorry." Camila says rubbing her thumb on Lauren's left cheek. Lauren smiles before kissing the other girl once again. It only last a couple of seconds but both girls' hearts were racing.

"I want to talk about this later, okay? Right now we both need sleep." Camila says weakly. Reality had smacked the girl in the face and she realized what she did.

Lauren smiled and got off of Camila to head towards the rooms.

"I'll see you in the morning. I am really sorry about to night..." Lauren trailed off.

"Please stop saying sorry and just go to sleep. You need to sleep everything off."

At this point Lauren was too overwhelmed to argue, she just nodded her head and walked away.

Camila sighed to herself as she finally got up and headed to her own room. The bellyflopped onto her bed and got under the covers for sleep.

Camila knew she wasn't going to get much sleep after now. It had been an hour since she and Lauren kissed but she was still wide awake. She sighed once again before getting up and grabbing some sleeping pills. She took two into her hand and walked quietly into Lauren's room.

I'm the room, Lauren laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. She looked so concentrated on her thoughts that Camila almost walked away.

Camila walked closer to the bed to realize that Lauren was blasting music and was unaware of her presence. Camila finally tapped Lauren and Lauren jumped up.


"Here." Camila said holding out her hand. "Take one, it'll help you sleep."

"Thanks." Lauren says taking a pill and grabbing her water bottle off of the nightstand next to her.

"No problem. Now get some sleep." Camila says before walking back towards the door.

"Wait!" Lauren says



I know, I know I'm late. Life just got really busy for some reason.

But thank you so much for all the support on this story💕

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