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Camila's POV

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling listening to music. It was 3 am the next day and I was getting anxious about asking Lauren out. I really liked her and it's about time we actually went on a proper date. We kind of just made out and said we are friends, neither of us really having the balls to ask out the other.

I knew Lauren liked me.... I think,  I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to kiss a friend like that.  Lauren's kisses were so addictive and she always had me wanting more. I wish I could kiss her whenever, maybe one day I'll be able to.....

So much has happened and everything seemed like such a blur now. I miss the days of waking up and hearing the voice of the other girls on the bus. I miss standing on the stage and looking at the other girls and giving each other the look of "we did it". I miss listening to the radio with the other girls waiting for "miss moving on" coming on. I have missed it all.

Don't get me wrong being a single artist and making my own songs and putting out whatever I want is amazing but I basically grew up with those girls. Yes I was a teen when I met them but we walked into this world of fame, blind together. We were by each other through it all, even the times we couldn't stand each other we were still there. I am so lucky to be where I am today and have the memories I have but sometimes I wish I could just go back in time, not do change anything but just to relive some of the best moments.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock coming from my door. I paused my music and pulled out my headphones. "Yes?" I ask.

"Can I come in?" I familiar raspy voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Of course Lauren." I say sitting up. She pushed the door open slightly and slipped into the room. She close the door behind her and walked up to me with a small smile on her face.

"What's up?" I ask kind of confused why she is up at 3 am and in my room.

"I couldn't sleep and I saw a small light coming from my room and I was just seeing if you were up."

"Oh okay."

"Are you okay? You seem a little bit out of it."

I have two choices in this situation. Build up the conversation and ask her out or just tell her I was thinking about the good old days.

"Yeah I was just thinking about the good old days."

"You're missing them too?"

"Yeah." I say sighing.

"I miss them too but at least we are friends again and we can make more memories." she says sitting down next to me.

"Yeah... but it's not the same. I don't get to wake up in a small bunk tour bus with all of you, I don't get piss of Dinah or bug Normani, I don't get to stand on the stage with everyone cheering calling out "Fifth Harmony" and I can't turn and see you or the others standing next to me."

"We don't get to do that either. We're on a hiatus and who knows how long that's going to be for." she says before putting her hand on my thigh."Everything has to come to an end. All the good things, all the bad things, everything. Things change, people change, life goes on. We can now do things that we couldn't before and make new memories that wouldn't be possible if things that happened never happened. Everything happens for a reason, Camz."

"Damn you got deep." I say giggling.

"Yeah sorry about that but you know i'm right." She continues. "Live life to the fullest."

"Yeah you are right." I say to her. I hated that she was right. A part of my mind was telling me to ask her out right now.

"You sure you're okay? You seem like you have something else on your mind"

"You know we never talked about what we are."

"What do you want to be Camz?"

"Honestly? I want to be yours. I want to do this properly though."

"Properly how?" She asked me.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow?" I ask shyly.

She nodded at me and kissed my cheek. "I look forward to it." She told me before standing up and walking towards the door. "Get some sleep Camz"

As she was about to walk out the door I stopped her by saying

"Wait stay"


Normani's POV

I sat outside looking out into the darkness of the forest. It might be dark but it was beautiful. The small lantern that sat next to me on the step shined just bright enough so I could barely see the tree line. The noises where my favorite part about being out here. I didn't even know what animal made half of the sounds but it was peaceful.

All this peacefulness made me get lost in thought. I started to think about the weird dream I had not that long ago. It made me realize I might have feelings for someone close to me. It's been worrying me and been on my mind for a while. The others girls have noticed something is wrong but I've pushed it off like I was just stressed about work.

I sighed to myself and put my head in my hands.

"You okay Mani?" A new voice asked from behind me.

"Yeah I'm fine Dinah."

"No you're not. You've gone quiet for a while now. You can talk to me, what's going on?" Dinah asks coming over to me and sitting never to me.

"I'm scared." I say shyly. Something about Dinah just makes my walls drop, I let all my walls down for her.

"Oh what Mani?"

"Oh who I am." I say. My voice was now trembling and I could feel a tear running down my face but I never looked up.

"What about you?"

"Dinah I think I like a girl."

So I know this book hasn't really gotten anywhere when it comes to plots and shit but I am going to end it soon (as in like 10 chapters)


I'm going to make a sequel. The squeal will (hopefully) have more of a plot and be less...well.... of a mess😂 honestly this story is everywhere and I don't know why so many of you like this story.
But thank you for all the sweet comments and actually taking the time to read this mess.

This isn't the end

"....not yet"

Also sorry for not updating for so long. Soccer conditioning and school have been kicking my ass😩

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