My Dream Begins

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Destiny's POV

I was trying to hide my laugh I can tell so was Kian but like always. We both started laughing at the same time it was so funny how they thought I was my own brothers girlfriend. "Why are you guys laughing?" Asked Ricky shocked that we were laughing. "Because Kian is my brother!!" I said still laughing not giggling laughing.

"Yeah defiantly this is my sister Destiny But we call her Desert Destiny!" Kian told them. "Hi I'm Sam, this is Ricky this is Jc and this is Connor and this guy here is Trevor." Sam said telling me everyone's name. "Hi guys nice to meet you all!" Wow I found Sam and Jc attractive. Oh crap I can't fall for non of them because I came here to make my dreams come true not date and get dumped.

Kian's POV

I saw all the guys staring at my sister and I didn't like it. If they even flirt with her I will kick their ass's and I will not let anyone date her I don't care how much they have towards her. Not even Sam that is my buddy well maybe but not likely.

"Hey Destiny you can go fix your clothes your bedroom has,a blue door." "Okay"she said wondering why. "Guys we need to talk about my sister!" I said in a serious voice they started saying she was hot. "Dude her body has curves!" Jc said making his hand in curves. "Her eyes are so beautiful!" Cried Connor. "How old is she tho?" Asked Trevor. "Her hair is so perfect!" Ricky said. They all continued except Sam who was there standing quietly I could tell he was jealous.

"STOP TALKING ABOUT HER ALREADY YOU KNOW IM HERE RIGHT!!" I screamed. They all stared at me wide eyed except Sam who was glad I made them stop talking. "Look guys I'm sorry but none of you can date her and if I catch anyone flirting with her then I will beat the crap out of you guys!" They stared.

Kian Lawley's Little SisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz