Echo On ITunes

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Destiny's POV

Trevor's song Echo was put on iTunes again today. I don't get why they flagged it. Anyways me and Sam haven't talked so much like we used too. I've been hanging out with Ricky a lot. Me and. Kian have also been very close. We prank either Trevor or Jc. Their reaction are halerious and I already did got a role on a play. It's called Mesmerized.

"DESTINY!" Jc yelled. I laughed. I had put kool-aid in the shower. The funniest part is that it had all the colors in it. Out of no where Kian came angry and grabbed my arm and pulled me of the couch pushing me against the wall. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT TO SAM!? He yelled in my face. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "STOP DENYING IT YOU FUCKIN SLUT GET OUT OF HERE I DONT KNOW WHY YOUR EVEN MY SISTER!? LEAVE!" He yelled. He let go of me but while I tried and walk away he pushed me causing me to fall and hit my head on the edge of the wall.

He walked to his room leaving me"AAAAAGGGGHHHH! I screamed in pain. Jc came rushing down the stairs along with Ricky and Trevor. "Destiny what happened?" He asked. I tried to answer but instead everything went black.

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