Shit Is About To Go Down

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Kian's POV

I saw Destiny. I got into shock. i looked at Matt and his eyes went wide. the next thing you know im beating him up. "YOU ASS! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SHE WAS WITH YOU!" I yelled at him. Cameron and Aaron pulled me back. "Dude im sorry but she didnt want you to know." Matt said. "SO WHAT YOU COULD OF TOLD ME SHE WAS ALIVE! DUDE I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" I yelled. Soon enough Destiny woke up. She looked at me. then she looked at sam with his arms around Michelle. She looked hurt yet shcoked we were here. "What are you doing here?!" She asked. "Magcon." Connor said. She shakes her head no. "No,no,no you guys can't see me. You guys weren't supposed to know I was alive." She said with a tear slipping out of her eye.

Nash walked to her and hugged her. He shut the door and we all stood in the hallway silent. "I told you guys I wasn't crazy." Jc muttered.

Destiny's POV

Why? Why'd they have to find out I was alive?

Nash was comforting me. Rocking me back and forth. He kissed me on the cheek. Then went down to my lips. Then to my forehead. "Babe it's okay don't worry. You don't have to talk to them if you don't want to." Nash said. I nodded.

We ended up cuddling and watching Grease. The movie lightened up my mood. The movie had finished and I noticed Nash staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Your so beautiful you know." He said to me. "Oh, shut up I'm not beautiful." I said blushing. "Yes you are. That's why your my girlfriend." He said.

He leaned in and kissed me. Every time we kissed I felt sparks. The kiss was passionate. It was filled with pure love. We pulled away and we smiled at each other. We ended up going to sleep.

Kian's POV

The rest of the day me and the guys except Sam who hung out with Michelle all day were clarifying why Destiny would leave and pretend to be dead. Is it something we did? Is it something a specific boy did? Why would she leave?

We all ended up going to our hotel rooms and went to sleep.

Matt's POV

We were waiting for Nash until we realized he probably stayed with Destiny. We started a SMACK CAM WAR! The hotel room ended up really messy. I hope the maids don't struggle to clean.

We all got pretty tired after that so we all went to our hotel rooms and went to sleep.

Tomorrow I'll check up on My Bestie Destiny.

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