I Didn't Realize

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Ricky's POV

I was editing my video for my main channel. I hearted the door open and saw Sam and Destiny holding hands. I went to the kitchen so it wouldn't be awkward really. I actually had feeling for Destiny but I knew I wouldn't have a chance because I'm older.

I had to keep the feelings to myself. I couldn't destroy their happiness. "Hey guys." I said to them. "Hi Ricky, what are you up to?" Destiny asked me. "Just came for a sandwich before I go to bed." I told her. "Ricky guess what?" Sam asked me. "What's up?" I asked him. "I asked Destiny if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes." Sam told me. "I hope you guys are happy." I told them and went back to my room. I can't believe I never told her now I can't tell her at all.

Destiny's POV

I knocked on Kian's door. "What's up sis?" "Sam asked me to be his girlfriend and I said...." I stopped there. "You said no to him didn't you it's okay ill co-" I cut him off. "I said YES!" And I hugged him. "That's great sis but I thought you would focus on your career?" He asked. "Yeah but I know Sam he is sweet and he wouldn't hurt me." I said. "Okay well you should go to bed because it's already eleven." Kian told me.

"Okay night bro." "Night sis." I went to my bedroom and changed in to my pajamas and when I hit the pillow I went straight to sleep.

Sam's POV

I went to check on Ricky because I saw he looked a little down. I knocked on his door. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" He yelled like he was mad. "Dude chill it's am Sam." I told him. "What do you want Sam." He asked me frustrated. "What's the problem Ricky?." I asked him. "You are the problem sam, you asked Destiny out and I have feelings for her okay I said it!" He yelled. Kian came bursting through the room.

"Why are you guys yelling." He asked. "Why don't you ask Ricky?" I said with anger in my voice. "What the hell happened Ricky?" Kian asked Ricky. "I told Sam that he was a problem because I like your sister okay and he asked her out that's what happened." He said. "Dude Ricky you need to forget those feelings because 1 you're too old for her and 2nd you can't stop her and Sam from being together okay." Kian said.

Kian's POV

If these guys keep fighting I'm gonna have to send Destiny back and I don't want that to happen.

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