Chapter Twenty Three

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*Hey guys! I'm so sorry that it's later in the day (where I live) but I went on a trip today so I couldn't post at a usual time. But I still have it! I hope you like it! Remember to fan/vote/comment!*

Three months later. . .

I woke up, seeing that the Doctor was already up and about. I could hear him in the control room so I knew he was already going for the day. How that man can wake up so early and be so energetic I would never know.

I gently pulled the sheets off of me. I stayed still for a moment making sure I could still hear the Doctor working on the TARDIS before I lifted my oversized sleeping shirt to see my baby bump. I smiled, gently placing a hand on it.

I knew it was horrible that I still haven’t told the Doctor, and trust me, I felt extremely guilty about it. But the Doctor and I have had some amazing adventures over the past three months and I’ve had to save his life a few times. That at least made me feel better about it and the fact that he still hasn’t told me that he’s been a father and a grandfather before.

I gently smiled down at the bump, before pulling my shirt down again. I pulled on a pair of my jeans that were starting to get tighter just from the little amount my stomach had grown. I frowned, knowing that soon I wouldn’t be able to wear these jeans. I then pulled on a black t-shirt that was a little big on me in order to hide the bump. I took a deep breath. I’ll tell him soon. I kept repeating to myself.

I quickly combed my hair, brushed my teeth and was out in the control room, seeing the Doctor run around, playing with the controls.

“So where to today?” I asked, trying to keep up with him. He quickly looked at me smiling. His eyes looking my body up and down. “You keep wearing bigger shirts,” he noticed before returning his gaze to the controls. “I know,” I said, a bit nervous that he might have figured it out. “Why?” he asked, his voice not giving anything away. “Because they’re comfy,” I said, taking a wild guess. He looked to me smiling before he pulled me into a big hug. I sucked in my stomach so he couldn’t feel the difference as I hugged him back.

As soon as he let go of me, I quietly let out a deep breath returning it back to normal. I will defiantly tell him tonight, I said to myself. Just one more adventure. “So where to?” I asked. “I don’t know,” he said, putting his hand on the lever. I placed my hand on top of his before we pulled down the lever, laughing as we were sent flying.

Once we landed, we quickly exited the doors to find we were on a space ship. Something felt strange though. “Do you hear that?” the Doctor asked. I stayed quiet trying to hear something but I didn’t hear anything. “Doctor, I don’t hear anything,” I said, looking at him with confusion. “Exactly,” he said, walking in a random direction.

“Please explain,” I said, quickly following him. I’ve traveled with this man for a long time and I still couldn’t figure out as much stuff as he could. “Think about it Violet, we’re on a spaceship. What do spaceships need in order to fly through space?” he asked, opening random doors looking through them. “Engines,” I said, still not quite understanding. “Don’t engines make noise,” he said, stopping to look at me. I nodded at him before he continued.

As soon as we entered the control room in the space ship the lights started to flicker. I looked around the room to see 3 men sitting around a control room made for twenty.

They all turned to look at the Doctor and I. “Hello,” the Doctor said. “Who are you,” one man asked. He was a tall man with red hair and bright green eyes. “I’m the Doctor and this is Violet,” the Doctor said, cheerfully. “How’d you get into our ship?” he asked. “Our ship picked up your distress and so we came aboard,” he said, looking around the room.

“We don’t need your help,” he said, turning around. “Come on Mark, be nice. We need all the help we can get,” a man said. He was another tall man who was slim and had dark brown hair with bright blue eyes. “I’m Arthur and this is Mark. And the third man over there is Captain Tom,” Arthur said, outstretching his hand. The Doctor took it firmly.

“So what’s the problem?” the Doctor asked, “Other than the fact that you have no engine going.” “Honestly Doctor, we have no idea. A week ago, the engine just cut, and we barely have the lights. It’s like something is taking our energy and using it for itself,” Arthur said. “Mind if we have a look?” the Doctor asked. “Go ahead,” Captain Tom said. “Captain!” Mark yelled. “What do you want me to do Mark!? If we don’t do something then we’ll be in a black hole soon!” Tom yelled.

“Where’s all your men?” I asked. “Dead,” Mark said. “From what?” the Doctor asked. “From taking a look,” Mark said. “Good luck,” he said, rudely.

“I do my best. Come along Pond,” he said, leading me away from the controls. “Are you sure about this one Doctor?” I asked, squeezing his hand. He turned to me smiling, “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promised, kissing my forehead.

He pulled out his sonic screwdriver, sonic-ing the halls. “Picking up anything?” I asked, as he checked it. “We need to continue down this hall. All the power is exiting this way,” he said, starting to walk down the hall. I quickly followed.

After a few twists and turns we came into a big room. The Doctor went out first, sonic-ing his way around the room. I turned looking, as I heard the door shut behind us. I turned, running to the door. I hit it hard.

I turned around as I heard another door open. I quickly walked up to the Doctor. “What is it?” I asked, looking at the creature that exited the door. “EXTERMINATE!” it said, rolling out. “The Daleks,” the Doctor said.

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