Part 7

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Taehyung's POV
I find it kind of weird that I'm going to lunch with my doctor but I don't really care! We head to the food court side by side. Jungkook places his hand in mine. It startled me and I look up at him. He just says "Incase you fall." I try to hide my blush with my sleeve.

We get to the crowded area ask he asked me what I want. "PANDA EXPRESS MAAAN!"

I love Panda Express.

He just chuckles and we walk over to the good smells. We both get our orange chicken and go sit at an empty table. It somehow doesn't feel like a hospital anymore. Maybe even... open. I dig into my meal like it's my last, and I can feel his gaze. I look up and he just smiles sweetly.

We talk for a long time about all sorts of things. He became my friend then, and a bit less professional than before.
I think he read my thought and suddenly started talking business. "If the medications I give you don't help, I will have to do colonoscopy." What the heck is that?

"What the heck is that?" I question. Do I want to know?

"It's a procedure where basically I put a tube up your butt." He says teasing me. I do not want to do that.

"Oh no you fucking won't!" I respond. I will dread that day. I get a little sassy after that and eat with my knees to my chest.

We say awkward goodbyes and he gives me his number in case of "emergency"
I know he wants dis ass.

Doctor Jeon~ TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now