Part 11

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Taehyung's POV
As we walk out of the building, we head towards Jungkook's car. His right hand slid around my waist for balance as we head slowly over. This hurts. He really fucked me up.

He has a blue Jeep Cherokee that beeps as we approach. It's kinda high off the ground. How am I gonna do this?

As if sensing my hesitation, Jungkook lifts one of my thighs up to his waist and I naturally lift the other. I put my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder. Cuz as you know... dis bish drugged me and I'm sleepy as fuck.

He walked the last few hundred feet to the car and carried me around to the passenger side, slowly setting me down in the comfortable seat.

Thank gosh. (We do many things here- but we don't take the lords name in vein)

He climbs in to the seat next to me and turns on the car. Music softly plays and I drift into dream land. Not a concern in the whole world...

Doctor Jeon~ TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now