Chapter 12-Bullets

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"Is there any change?" Parker asked her, when they walked back into the room.

"No, there hasn't been any change." Roe dropped her gaze to the ground. Time to play stupid human. "I'm afraid this one," she gestured to Adrian's room "has died. He doesn't have a heartbeat, and isn't breathing. The other one just seems to be unconscious."

Parker practically ran for the doorway of Adrian's room. Once he saw who it was she was referring to he said "Oh, it's okay. He's a vampire, they don't have heartbeats and don't breathe when they're unconscious."

Roe gave him her best skeptical look, like she still didn't believe in vampires and said "Oh, okay."

Parker gave her a look like he couldn't believe what he was hearing from her. "You still don't believe that they are what we say they are, do you?"

"I have no reason to." She said, shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" Savage asked.

"She thinks we're all crazy, and that werewolves and vampires don't really exist." Parker replied.

"If that's what she thinks, then how does she know how to treat them, huh? I think she knows more than she's letting on."

Parker opened and closed his mouth, surprised.

"You didn't think about that, did you?" Savage asked smugly.

Parker quickly turned to Roe. "How do you know how to treat them? What aren't you telling us?"

"Before I answer that," Roe started, holding up a hand, "let me ask you a question. What's the first thing you do when someone's been shot? And I do mean a human, just to clarify."

The three men were looking at her suspiciously, then looked at one another. Boudreau finally answered, "Ya stop the bleedin' and put on bandages."

"Okay, then what? What if the bullet's still in them?"

Boudreau sighed. "Ya cut it out. No one heals right with a bullet left in 'em."

"Exactly. What I'm suggesting to do for them, is what I'd suggest for anybody, or anybody human anyway."

"She has a point." Parker reluctantly stated.

"That doesn't mean that she doesn't know more than she's letting on." Savage argued.

"But it doesn't mean that she does, either." Parker rationalized.

Savage growled at him. "I still think she knows something," he grumbled.

As much as Savage growls and snarls at people, I'm surprised he's not a werewolf. He sure acts like it. Roe smiled to herself at her thoughts.

Apparently she didn't smile to herself as much as she thought because Savage snapped "What're you smiling about?"

"Nothing. I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" He snarled again. "About how you think you're pulling one over on us?"

"No, about what I'd like to be doing instead of being here." Roe said, defensively. "I'd much rather be somewhere else doing something with my friends. Being here with y'all, and constantly having to defend myself isn't something I enjoy doing." She scowled at him. Well, that was partially the truth. I can't tell him what I was really thinking. He'd try to kill me.

Parker interrupted the staring contest Roe and Savage had going on. "Savage, we have no reason to believe that she's anything other than human. Even the PBI thinks she's human."

PBI? How would they know what PBI thought about me?

"He's an idiot." Savage said, disgustedly. "He wouldn't even know if his own grandmother was a vampire."

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