Chapter 29-Making Plans

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"Actually, I can." Special Agent Maitland told him. "Colonel Allen, you're under arrest for aiding and abetting the enemy."

"You don't have the authority." The Colonel snarled at him.

"I have the authority to place you under arrest pending investigation." Special Agent Maitland said, motioning for a couple of his men to go ahead and arrest the Colonel. "Or at least until General Jackson tells me what to do with you."

"This is ridiculous." Colonel Allen said, looking at his two men. They just looked back at him with blank expressions.

"They can't do anything. They know that you're outnumbered, and that General Jackson commanded you to cooperate with the PBI on this issue." Special Agent Maitland told him. When Colonel Allen just scowled at him, he turned to Joe. "Alpha Rogers, do you have a cell we could put him in for the time being?"

"Yes, Sir, we do." Joe replied. Then the door opened, showing Beta Carl standing in the doorway. "If your men will follow my Beta, he'll show them where to put him. Oh, and cell phones don't work in the cells."

"Thank you, Alpha." Special Agent Maitland nodded at Joe, then turned to his men. "Follow the Beta, and put him in a cell. Make sure he doesn't have anything he can hurt himself with."

"Yes, Sir." They both answered, then marched Colonel Allen out the door, following Beta Carl.

"Now that that's taken care of, we can move on."  Special Agent Maitland said, looking around. "Unless there are any objections?"

Everyone still at the table shook their heads no.  "Okay.  I guess the next order of business is planning our attack."

"If you don't need me, I think I'll see how lunch is coming while you discuss tactics."  Roe told them.

"I think we've pretty much got it covered here, Miss Cavenaugh." Agent Maitland said. "I know that you said you wanted to be there, where exactly do you see yourself?"

"Personally, I think I'd do better at first aid, and helping with anyone that's extremely distressed or doesn't trust y'all." She shook her head. "I'm afraid some of the people there may think that they're trading captivity with one military group for another. With that being said, I have no intention of interfering with your job."

Special Agent Maitland looked slightly stunned by that. "I hadn't thought about that aspect."

"That's why I wanted to be there along with Shane and Adrian. Between the three of us, and Joe if he goes, we should be able to calm any fears that they have."

"Alright. I don't see any issue with that."

Do you want us to come with you?  Shane asked her.

No, I'm fine.  I promise I won't leave the house, and they'll probably need your help.  She told them. And if anything interesting happens, I'll link you.

Alright. Shane said.

Roe walked out the door and down the hall toward the kitchen. When she walked in, she saw a bunch of women running around frantically, including Luna Marcy. She walked over to Marcy, and asked her "What's going on?"

"There are a lot more people here than we were expecting. Special Agent Maitland brought all of his men, and those military guys brought a bunch too." She shook her head. "We're scrambling to find enough food for them."

"I thought only the military guys that came were the ones in the meeting." Roe said, confused.

"That's what was supposed to happen. That Colonel brought more and left them at the end of the driveway, like we wouldn't notice them on our land." Marcy scoffed. "Joe told Beta Carl to go invite them to eat with us since they were here anyway." She shook her head. "Now we've got all these extra mouths to feed without any notice."

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