Chapter 2: Damn Suspenders! Part 2

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I again have made some changes and updated!

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying the story! Please let me know what made you laugh, cry, or get angry... Would love to know your reactions!  And don't forget to vote! :) Thanks again!

I'd like to say a VERY BIG  THANK YOU to those who read this story before I published it and gave me the encouragement and push I needed! You all are the best, and I love you so!

NOTE: The dates are VERY important. So please pay attention to those :)

Also this part starts right where the last one left off  ;)

He quickly drops my skirt. I fix my bra and adjust my shirt. Thank God you are expected to look disheveled on this mission trip... I think to myself with a sigh of relief. Kristian messily tucks in his shirt, zips up his pants and adjusts himself. Just as he steps away from me Tyler rounds the corner.

I'm sure we look like deer in headlights. Tyler, the worship leader, is also tall, slender, has short spiked blonde hair and light blue eyes. He is such a sweetheart and just fun to be around. No matter how fun he was, he knew very little about Kristian and I. The sweetheart that he is.... bless his heart... he's too honest.

Too honest? Jeez, listen to me... maybe Prudy had a point... I think.

I told ya so! She pipes up. I instantly regret my thought as I inwardly roll my eyes. Go back in hiding... I snap at her. Point is this was not the time for Tyler to appear...

He glances back and forth between us as we just kind of stand there and look back at him and each other.

"Uhh... what's up with you two?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Spider!" I instantly say. "You know Kristian is just as scared of them as I am... if not more..." I nervously laugh.

Kristian gives me a look. I mouth not now to him firmly. He rolls his eyes.

Tyler comes over and puts an arm over Kristian's shoulders " Really Kristian? Didn't know you were that squeamish... and to think I looked up to you man."

I inwardly sigh in relief, but quietly chuckle at Tyler's comment. Kristian turns his head back and gives me a quick glare.

I just hold up the heart sign with my hands as I smile and mouth I love you...

Sheesh, men and their egos... Would you rather he know we just had sex on a church wall... out of marriage... in a very conservative country... on a mission trip, than think you're a little scared of spiders... I roll my eyes as I walk behind them.

Tyler continues "Anyway we were looking for the both of you before we shut off the lights so the guys could go back down to the school and go to bed. The girls are already starting to go to bed."  The boys slept down in the school whereas the girls slept in the church.

"Yeah, sorry man, Ira and I were finishing up some conversations. I'll head down in a minute. Just need to tell her one more quick thing." Kristian says.

"Ok, Kristian, just don't take 10 years!"

"I won't!" He calls back.

He looks back to me and I smile. "Well... that was not expected..." He says quietly.

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