Chapter 7: More Wood

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As always I must thank Creativefatal1ty for her support, guidance, and encouragement. And greysanastasias for her support and help as well.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks!

Sunday, September 27th, 2015

The next morning

It was late afternoon when we fell asleep. The room is dark when I wake up; only lit up by a small table lamp. Kristian is asleep and still has an arm draped over me. In the dim light, I see a note on the nightstand. I slowly untangle myself from Kristian's embrace and as I sit up, my head makes its presence known. I groan at the dull pain before grabbing the note and reading it:

You were asleep when I ordered dinner. Feel free to order food if you wake up and I'm asleep. Wake me up if you need anything. Hope you get the rest that you need.


I smile at his kindness.

I only woke up because my bladder is about to burst. After I've used the bathroom, I find that I am a little hungry. I glance over the menu and quickly make my decision. I try to quietly call in my order without waking Kristian up but he must hear me anyway because I see him wake up.

"Sorry," I whisper, "This is the second time I've woken you up."

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're getting something to eat," he glances at his phone, "even though it's three in the morning," he chuckles.

"Oh wow, I knew it was late, but not that late!"

"You were sleeping like the dead, so I figured I should just let you sleep."

"Thank you," I tell him.

Soon my food arrives and we chat as I eat. It's almost five am when we finally get back to sleep.

Next thing I know, I'm being lightly shaken. "Wake up, Ira, we have to check out soon."

I groan. "Ow. Stop that. My head is killing me. What time is it?"

" I'm sorry and it's 9 am. We have to check out at ten."

"Okay, fine, fine! I'm getting up," I mumble. I make my way to the bathroom moaning with every step as my head is pounding like a drum.

I get to the sink with the plan to brush my teeth but only manage to grip the edges from how badly my head is hurting. The headache is starting to make me nauseous. I take deep breaths hoping it will pass but no such luck. I feel acid come up the back of my throat and quickly kneel in front of the toilet before bringing up my stomach's contents.

Kristian must hear me heaving because there's a knock at the door, "Ira, are you okay?" he asks as he peeks his head in.

I attempt to wave him away, but the man is stubborn and instead is at my side holding my hair back. "You don't have to do this, it's not like I haven't vomited on my own before," I say once I get a break.

"I know I don't have to, I'm still here anyway."

I shake my head at him before starting to vomit again. "I'm so over this head injury," I choke out in between heaving. "One moment I'm fine, the next, I feel like my head is going to explode!"

"I can call and ask for a late check out if you need to lay down for a bit."

"No, no I'll be fine. Just give me a few minutes," I pant.

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