Chapter 3: Damn Suspenders! Part 3

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A/N Minor updates on this section since it's so short!

Ira's POV
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Damn suspenders! Continued

That was about 8 weeks ago... It's summer break and I'm back in my house off campus that Kristian and I share with a few of my friends. And I'm pregnant. Undoubtedly pregnant.

Earlier Today

I went to cut up a mango for a snack and the smell made me sick to my stomach. I barely made it to the toilet in time before I threw up my lunch. Thank God no one is home. I thought to myself. After I finished and flushed the toilet I sat back on my knees. Never in my life has the smell of mangoes done that to me... Oh crap... what day is it? My eyes widen as I'm connecting the dots... I go to grab my phone from my back pocket, it's not there. Damn it! I left it in the kitchen! ... next to the mango... I hold my breath as I enter the kitchen and grab my phone. I run back to my room and look at my calendar. Oh god, it's late. My period is three days late. My period is never late. I can't believe I didn't notice. I sit there on my bed in shock staring at nothing, my hand holding my phone goes limp against the bed. What the hell am I going to do? What am I going to do? I have to tell Kristian. I have to tell my family! My stomach is in knots. No, I am not going to to throw up again, I'm not going to throw up again! I take a deep breath.

Ok don't get ahead of yourself Ira, you need to take a pregnancy test. Yes I need to take a pregnancy test...

Pfft, don't give yourself hope... your period is late and you got sick FROM A MANGO! Your all time favorite fruit... you're pregnant sweetheart, there's no doubt about it. My subconscious scolds.

Well I still have to take a test to prove it! And you're really no help right now... I respond.

THIS is why we don't have premarital sex. I tried to stop you, but what was it you said?... ah yes... and I quote 'SHUT UP and GET BACK INTO YOUR GOODY TWO SHOE CLOSET Prudy! I'm busy.' She says as she stands there one hand holding the other elbow and her index finger on her chin as if she is trying to remember something. I internally stick my tongue out at her. Great defense there... As I'm sitting there arguing with subconscious one of my housemates, Anna, walks in pulling me out of my head. We met our freshman year and instantly became best friends.

I guess there is still some sort of expression that resembles shock on my face because she immediately drops her shopping bags and sits next to me on my bed.

"What's wrong?! What happened?? You look like someone died." She asks.

Yeah, me. Or I will, once everyone knows. I apparently didn't answer out loud because she grabs my shoulders and turns me towards her. I look at her.

"Ira, what the hell is going on? Why are you all comatose like?" She shouts.

I'm trying to respond but nothing will come out. Damn it! Why won't my mouth work! She's freakin going to call 911 on your ass if you don't answer her.

"Ira, I swear to god if you don't answer me I'm going to call 911." Called it.

Ok, let's try this again. "I need to take a pregnancy test." I finally manage to say.

She pauses. Her hands drop from my shoulders and she grabs one of my hands and says "Ok, lets go get some pregnancy tests." And starts walking me to her car.

Now I'm really in shock. Well she handled that better than I did...

We have to walk through the kitchen to get to the door. Before we get there I put my phone in my pocket so I can use my hand to cover my nose and mouth.

She sees the partially cut up mango with the knife next to it. She raises her eyebrow and turns her head back to me, "What's with the—" Seeing my hand covering my face she says "Oh." and immediately understands and quickens her pace to get us out of the kitchen faster. Like the half a second would've made a difference... but I appreciate her care.

We get in the car, seeing Anna calm is making me calm. Once we're down the street a bit I realize I don't have my purse.

"Oh crap, I didn't bring my purse," I say looking back at the house.

"Don't worry, I got it." She responds.

"Anna, you don't have to do that."

"Shut up and tell me what happened." She demands.

"Well, I can't do both..." I respond sarcastically as I turn to face her.

"You know what I mean." She rolls her eyes.

I sit back in my seat. "As you saw, I was cutting up a mango, and the smell made me sick and you know how much I love mangoes. So I immediately checked my calendar and saw my period is three days late. I'm gonna kill this kid for taking mangoes away from me. I better like them again after he or she is born or we will have words."

"Ira, you haven't taken the test yet..."

I turned to her with my eyebrows raised "Anna. I threw up because of the smell of mangoes... MANGOES. My favorite  'I could eat them forever and never get enough' fruit!... I'm pregnant alright. This is just to confirm it." I turn back to face the front.

We buy 5 pregnancy tests. As the time passes, I start getting used to the idea of being pregnant more and more. Well... my mom has been badgering me to get married and have children. She continually tells me 'I want more grandchildren'.  Well SURPRISE I'm pregnant! Granted they meant start working on a relationship so you can be married soon after you graduate college... sooo I'm a little early on the timing...

Hah you know she'll never see it that way...

Yes. Prudy. I know. Thanks for the reminder! I retort to my subconscious sarcastically.

You're welcome. She throws back at me. 

You know how at the beginning of Juno she has to drink all that orange juice... okay actually Sunny D... but I consider that orange juice... well in honor of her I decided I would drink orange juice as well... except... when we got home and opened the bottle I started gagging and had to run to the bathroom only to vomit stomach bile since I already threw up everything I ate earlier... What does this kid have against fruit? I think to myself as I flush the toilet. So I settled for water.

I'm not a big water drinker already so drinking enough to pee on 5 pregnancy tests is real annoying. I already have to pee a lot as it is and I know that will only get worse during my pregnancy so I did not enjoy the little pee game you have play for these tests.

And as one would suspect... they. are. all. positive.

Now to break the news to Kristian and my family. Well shit.

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