Chapter 12: Irreversible Certainty

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A/N This chapter was an intense labor of love (hence the long time it took to update), I hope you enjoy it! Please don't forget to vote and comment! It means so much to me! I appreciate all the support. Never thought I'd get this far. Thank you Creativefatal1ty, for always being my cheerleader and support. I could never do this without you. Love you!
And greysanastasias for letting me constantly nag her to be a sounding board! Love you too!

Friday, March 4th, 2016

Later that day

Kristian's POV

We've been back at my apartment for two hours now and Ira is still moping from her spat with Anna. When we got here she said she just wanted to be left alone for a while and she's been laying on the couch reading the book she brought with her ever since.

"Ira, don't let her ruin this day for you, for us."

"Easy for you to say, you didn't just have your best friend call you a whore," she grumbles as she looks up from her book.

"She did not call you a whore, Ira."

"Not in so many words! But that's what she was implying!" she yells.

"So what's the big deal? She accused you of having sex. If we could be together right now, we might actually be having sex!" I point out.

"Kristian!" She snaps while giving me this incredulous look. "You think I'm that easy too? You know, I was planning on waiting till marriage!"

"Well I can't say your past actions have shown that!"

She stares at me speechless for a moment before her eyes turn to fire. "You did not just say that," her voice is barely above a whisper but you can sense the fury beneath it.

"I don't understand why you are so upset. I never said that having sex was a bad thing. You are the one making that assumption. You're putting that image on yourself!" I yell.

"What are you saying exactly, Kristian? Get to the point!"

"That you are the one who has a problem with the idea of you having sex now. It's your own expectations, your own disapproval. Otherwise, you wouldn't care if Anna thinks you are having sex, if I think that we might be having sex have we not had to hold back on our relationship."

"Again, easy for you to say. Society doesn't place a stigma on men having sex, like it does women. For men, it's 'oh he's just a guy' for women it's 'She's a slut, easy, can't keep her legs shut,' I could go on. Especially in the Christian community. The blame is placed on us. We have to be 'modest', and not 'cause our brothers to stumble'. Responsibility is rarely placed on men for their actions. So excuse me for being a little apprehensive when my friends think it wouldn't be past me to just have sex right away in a new relationship!" she shouts as she gets up,  throwing her book on the couch before storming into my bedroom and slamming the door.

Oh, you've gone and done it now...

This is just great... just how I wanted to spend tonight.

Maybe agreeing with her friend when you know that pissed her off was not the best idea...

I was trying to make her feel better.

That's what you call that? I think we need to work on your understanding of making women feel better.

Alright! I get it, I screwed up!

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