Chapter 13: Sheltered and Exposed

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Again, I am so so so sorry about how long this update has taken. It's been a crazy couple of months with three family deaths. Thank you for your continued support and patience. As always I have to thank Creativefatal1ty for being my cheerleader and helping me along. Couldn't do it without her.

Hope you enjoy the chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Saturday, March 5th, 2016 (The next morning)

Early Morning 6am

Kristian's POV

My alarm goes off and I quickly turn it off before it can wake Ira. We are still spooning. "Ira," I whisper, as I press my lips to her head. She groans her disapproval of being woken up. I laugh. "Ira, we need to get up if we're going to make it on time," I tell her softly.

"What the hell plans did you make that we need to be up at the crack of dawn?" she grumbles into the pillow.

"It's a surprise, but we need to have a good breakfast and it's a bit of a drive."

"This 'surprise' of yours is beginning to sound more like cruel and unusual punishment... Not celebration..."

"Just trust me."

"Ugh, fine!"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I think so," she mumbles before finally rolling out of bed and stumbling to the bathroom.

Ira's POV

I take another sip of the protein shake Kristian is making me have and then bite into the second half of my bagel. "What? Are we going to climb Mount Everest today or something? You had me put on athletic clothing and insisted on me having a protein shake with my bagel." I ask sarcastically.

"Yes, we are doing something active today, but the rest is a surprise. Stop trying to get it out of me. Just eat your breakfast, woman."

"Yes sir!" I mock while saluting him. He rolls his eyes and laughs. We've been playful all morning but I still feel awkward about last night. "I'm uh... I'm sorry about last night," I mutter quietly.

His body tenses but his tone is gentle, "Why are you sorry?"

For how I reacted... what I said... my erratic emotions... I peer up at him silently, unable to put my thoughts into words.

After a moment of heavy silence he continues, "Plus, today is about celebrating your acceptance into the nursing program!" he smiles, effectively ending that conversation.

I attempt to give a genuine smile back as he walks out of the kitchen, but his lack of response to my apology makes me uneasy.  What is he holding back?

Uh... his anger and frustration? You expect someone to just get over the tantrum you threw last night!

I don't know, he's acting normal otherwise. I guess we'll find out soon enough... I think to myself sullenly before shoving my nagging thoughts, and Prudy along with them, to the back of my mind.

He comes out from his bedroom with both of our backpacks. "You ready? Do you need to use the bathroom before we go? You probably should, they aren't going to be exactly... readily available," he chuckles and gives me a crooked smile.

I again try to reciprocate a happy smile but just can't pull it off. I slide off the barstool and walk towards the bathroom.

He stops me with a hand on my shoulder, "Ira, please don't dwell on last night, it's over. I'm looking forward to our day together and I don't want last night to get in the way of us enjoying it," he smiles.

Thou Shall NotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora