Chapter 9: Truth and Lies

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A/N Thank you again to Creativefatal1ty for all her help and support! 

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks! 

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

Ira's POV

I wake up and realize it's a weekday and I have class so I jump out of Kristian's bed and go grab my clothes, which I hope are dry by now, from the bathroom. Kristian's roommate is gone again.

When I come back to the bedroom, Kristian is sitting up in his bed. "Good morning," he says quietly.

"Good morning," I smile back as I start to undress.

"Why are you in such a rush?"

"Because I have class in a little bit and I need to go back to my dorm to get ready. It's enough that it's going to look like I'm making the walk of shame. I'm not going to wear the same outfit all day."

"Fair point." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure," I reply. I watch as his eyes glide over my body as I'm putting on my bra.

Don't look at me like that or I'll never leave this apartment, I think to myself as desire pools below my waist.

I'm sure that's exactly what he wants.

"So yesterday you mentioned having anxiety and depression... if you don't mind me asking, can you tell me more about that?"

I freeze for a moment. "Ok, where do I start?"I sigh.

"At the beginning," he says.

"Oh wow! Ok." I take a deep breath. "First do you mind helping me zip up my dress?" He nods and gets up from the bed. I push my hair to one side as he zips me up. "Well, in high school I started pulling out my eyebrows and eventually my eyelashes as well."

Kristian gives me a confused look before going back to sit down.

I turn around and face him as I continue. "At the time my parents were frustrated on why I kept doing that and my friends couldn't understand it either. They occasionally joked about it. Eventually, I found out it was Trichotillomania, an anxiety disorder and a form of OCD. Sometimes I had control over sometimes I didn't. Well, when I started college I just got extremely overwhelmed and went into a major depressive episode. I didn't want to eat. I had no motivation or energy. Was in extreme anxiety constantly, the only relief I had was in sleep and I couldn't sleep very much. I was suicidal for a while but never attempted anything. Finally, during Christmas break I got help. I was put on medication and started therapy. I have to stay on my meds or its a downward spiral again. Looking back I realize I think I struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life but it was never that severe. College was the catalyst that caused the major depressive episode which led to being diagnosed."

"Oh woah..." He responds.

"I kept it hidden pretty well. I think only my roommate noticed. I had to do something because my grades were starting to slip and I need to get into the nursing program. Thankfully I got help in time and my professors were willing to help me out after I was diagnosed. So here we are. I take meds regularly and I also have meds to take as needed when feeling anxious or like I'm having or about to have an anxiety attack."

"That's good to know," Kristian says.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't freak you out last night or right now..." I say nervously.

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