Chapter 11: The Fine Line Between Dreams and Nightmares

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A/N This chapter is a little short but I hope you enjoy it! Please don't forget to vote and comment! It means so much to me! I appreciate all the support. Never thought I'd get this far. Thank you Creativefatal1ty, for always being my cheerleader and support. I could never do this without you. Love you!

Thursday, January 21st, 2016

Ira's POV

I wake up snuggled in Kristian's side. At first, I'm confused but then I remember what happened last night. We are in my dorm room and I know Anna is on the other side of the room. He looks so good sleeping shirtless. I can't resist the urge to kiss him. I start leaving soft pecks on his neck until he wakes up. I watch a smile slowly creep on his face before he turns his head down towards me and places his lips on mine.

I was not expecting that so I let out a little moan as his lips hit mine, and then melt into the bed and his embrace. Only our lips were touching but it was a deep, long kiss.

As he pulls away he murmurs, "Good morning."

I smile contently. "Good morning. Thank you for coming last night. The dream was so real I will tell you about it later," I whisper.


I hear Anna clear her throat and realize we are not the only ones awake.

I pull away from Kristian a bit as he says, "I think I better go."

I'm not happy about it but I know he's right so I say, "Okay."

"Call me again if you need anything, okay?"

"Kristian..." I respond exasperatedly.

"Ira. Promise me," he repeats with a firm voice.

"Okay, I promise," I groan.

"Promise what?"

"I promise to call you if I need anything," my tone showing my irritation.

"Thank you," he smiles before kissing me on my forehead. "I'll see you later."

"See you later," I whisper.

He puts his shirt back on and walks out the door. I stare at the door longingly, wishing he didn't have to leave. I'm ripped from my thoughts by Anna's voice.

"Ira! What the hell was that? You have a nightmare and call this strange man. He spends the night in our room in your bed! For all I know he could've been an ax murderer!" Anna snaps at me.

"First off, where the fuck was he supposed to sleep? On the floor? Second, you think the guy I called after having a nightmare that comes in the middle of the night to comfort me and help me sleep is an ax murderer? Where's the logic in that?" I shout back.

"I don't know him!"

"You're kidding me, right? Obviously I do!"

"Since when? You never told me about him. Is he your secret boyfriend?"

"What? No, I first met him on my Honduras team. I only learned his name. I met him again the night I won't talk about."

"Ira, what do you mean he's not your boyfriend? I literally saw you kiss just now!"

I look away guilty and then look back at her. "Yeah, I know... it's uh complicated..." I mumble. "But he's not my boyfriend!" finishing my statement with conviction.

"Okay, whatever. But you really need to tell me what happened that night... especially after last night!" she insists.

"What part of 'I don't wanna talk about it' do you not understand?"

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